chapter 71.

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chapter 71
rule 71. understand that not everything can work the way you want it to
10pm in NYC
Kori's POV

"How come both of you guys are taking me to Philly this time around? And why are we leaving Jamely?" I asked as I stood by the dresser in my parents room.

"Keep asking questions and you're staying at your grandma's." My mom said firmly and I pursed my lips together.

"I was just askingggg," I mumbled to myself.

"Are you finished packing?" My dad asked. It was Sunday and we leave for Philly tomorrow morning at 9am. Which is dumb early but it's whatever.

"I have a few more little things for my bookbag but my suitcase is done."

"Alright, 9am on the dot. Don't stay up too late Kori," my dad said pointing and I nodded.

"See y'all tomorrow, goodnight," then I turned out to go back to my bedroom. I walked into my room and finalized the packing I had to do. Which took about an hour.

Then I remembered the package that I had received earlier. I took out the items and washed them with my laundry yesterday. However I forgot to tell Samir about it.

me: package came yesterday🤭🤭

Willow was on FaceTime with me a while back and forced me to shop on savagexfenty for stuff that would look cute on her because she wanted my expertise.

She had me searching and explaining for my life. And then after making me struggle for so long, she told me that I could pick out my own few pieces.

I still haven't told anyone about me losing my virginity. I just didn't want to or feel like it. But the first person I will tell, if I do tell, Willow is first to learn.

And I wanted Samir's opinions because why not, so we added him to the call.

⋇⋆✦⋆⋇ flashback ⋇⋆✦⋆⋇

"Willow you're so fucking unserious. If you think Ima walk around in bustier bra with mesh underwear you're crazy."

"Nah I'm with Willow on this one. You would look so fine." He said smirking.

"Y'all bugging," I replied as I continued scrolling.

"Wait this lace maxi-slip is lowkey cute," I said turning my camera to show it.

"Ok Kori I see you!!!" Willow exclaimed.

"I fuck with that."

"Don't look too hard Samir before I stab you in your eyes," I said and he closed his eyes until I turned the camera back to me.

"Wait hol up I found a cute one. It's lavender and a two piece look."

"I like this better than the dress. It's not too crazy but it's cute." Samir stated.

"I'm with him on this one. It really says Kori."

"Okay Ima add that and this other lil thing I saw."

"What other thing? Show us?" They said simultaneously and I just mugged them.

"What y'all need to do it get out my business."

⋇⋆✦⋆⋇ end of flashback ⋇⋆✦⋆⋇

bebe- ion even wanna preview it
bebe- i wanna see it in person.
bebe- i mean, it's only gonna be on you for a minute or sum but i'll still appreciate it

me- on or off, it served it's purpose😋
me- too bad we'll have to wait until we get back from our trips

bebe- maneeeee it'll go by quick
bebe- and then we'll be too busy fucking to remember all the days we weren't together

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