chapter 43.

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peep the cover being steven and his mom🥹🥹related to something later in this chapter<3

chapter 43
rule 43. when you feel comfortable enough, talk about your past and memories with people you trust
2am in nyc
Kori's POV

"WAHHHHH WAHHHHHH WAHHHHH!!!!!!!" The crying woke me up out of my sleep. It went on for a while, my parents didn't get him so I did.

I was so tired but got out of bed and went into his room and turned of the light.

"Hi papa, what's wrong," I said walking over to him as he held onto his crib.

He was crying hard, coughing and his nose was runny as ever. I picked him up and sat on the nursery chair with him on my lap.

"Jeez you're burning up," I said as I felt his forehead. And he looks so red and sickly. I wiped his nose off.

He did have a little cough the day before but it wasn't this serious. But he had no fever or anything and was playful and all that.

I took him out of his onesie so he wouldn't overheat. He was still crying.

I took the medicine kit and took out the thermometer. Took the temperature from his ear. 103°. You gotta be kidding me.

"MOMMMMM, DADDDDDDD!!!!" I yelled over and over again so they could really wake up.

They came rushing in.

"Fever of 103, I don't even understand he was just fine yesterday." I said hysterically.

"Baby call the doctor. Kori can you check his diaper and get him some milk. Ima get a nice bath ready, help him before we have to bring him to the doctors."

I did as told, but he just kept crying. And then I was crying because he was crying.

"Jamely stop crying you're scaring me," I was still bouncing him on my hip while he drank his milk and crying. Honestly this could just be the common cold but even that could be bad.

I turned the a/c up hoping that would help.

"Kori!" My dad yelled and I almost tripped running to our bathroom.

I stood outside still crying and my foot tapping anxiously.

"Okay honey we have to drive over to the hospital now. Quick." My mom said with a tired and stressed look on her face. "Kori go back to bed.

"Mom why can't I go?" I asked confused.

"Kori you need to sleep, we don't know what's going on. We don't wanna drag you and have you waiting in the hospital. Just relax," she said in a calm voice.

Just relax? Just relax?!?!?!!

"Relax?!?! I woke up to my brother crying and wailing. I find out he has a high ass fever and all of a sudden there's talk of going to the hospital. My brother looks like he's really going through it. Of course I'm going to be hysterical?!?!" I can't fathom the thought of my brother being seriously ill or anything.

"Kori, Kori," my mom said putting her hands on my shoulder. "I know you love your little brother Jamely. I know you're concerned. But this is extremely stressful for you. You need to lay back in your bed and relax. Watch a show, something. We will call every hour and update you."

I took a deep breath.

"I'm just so scared for him. He's just crying nonstop," I said hugging her.

"I know baby and that's okay. But Jamely is gonna be okay, so take a breath."

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