chapter 46.

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chapter 46
rule 46. Sometimes you gotta threaten to do em like Mike Tyson
10am in NYC
Kori's POV

"Who the fuck is calling me right now," I mumbled before grabbing my phone.


"Goodmorning my love, did I wake you up?"

"Yes you did, but Goodmorning. Now why are you calling me so damn early?"

"It's 10am..."

"Yeah that's dummy early."

"I don't have work 2day so we're going on a date to the city."

"I'm guessing it isn't a question?" I asked smiling to myself.

"Were you gonna refuse?"


"Then it doesn't matter. I'll see you at 12." He banged it on me and I put my phone down to stretch.

"Love that boy down," I mumbled to myself before forcing myself out of bed. Honestly, a date to the city sounds really fun.

shit is this a get cute vibe or chill vibe. Knowing him...we're probably going to skate during our time.

So a chill vibe it is...

"Kori why you up?" My dad asked barging into my room with Jamely in one arm.

"Samir asked me on a date to the city. Can I go pleaseee." I cheesed while he stood at my door-frame. Jamely had his binkie in looking up at my Dad.

He just turned back around and I followed him down the stairs to the kitchen. He grabbed his wallet and handed me a 100.

"Can we make breakfast together pleaseee?" I asked him and he nodded putting Jamely in his high chair.

"What we making mama," he asked while drinking a glass of water.

"French toast, eggs and baconnn. Basic stuff."

"You're the boss." He smiled before taking out our ingredients.

"So Kori, how's your summer going so far?" He asked

"Really basic. I haven't did nothing. Just sleeping, using my phone, taking care of Jamely and online shopping."

"With my money," he scoffed mixing up the French toast ingredients.

"Yeah exactly, you know I got my skims package coming in." I stuck my tongue out leaning in the counter.

"How could you spend more than 100 on like 3/4 items. That is some dumb ass shit. Better be some good quality items you spending my money on." He shook his head before starting the French roast.

"You need to join a club or sport junior year Kori. You gotta have something good on your resume."

"Dad you know I'm not a sports or club girl-"

"Join a writing club or sum. Join a bowling or cycling club. Do something Kori. Join a program. I don't know, but do something." I sighed before giving Jamely some nana slices to munch on.

"Alright I'll try to find something," I hissed my teeth while we continued cooking and letting the music play.

Cause what you did, you know, was wrong
And all the nasty things you've done
So, baby, listen carefully
While I sing my comeback song

"Cause she said she'd never turn on me!" I sung while making the scrambled eggs.

"You lied to me," he's basically my partner in this duet.

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