6: Aroma

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"So.. you actually made her a perfume?"


"You didn't put anything weird in it? Like something to make her think you're weird and make her run away from you?"

"Of course not, Lady f/n, I genuinely want to be friends with her.. even if I'm the one who'll be usually ignored in her circle."

"A little harsh on that note but are you seriously thinking of competing in that dumb race for her heart?"

"Not really, I don't... Don't wanna get crushed under her competing lovers' shoes too quickly after establishing a friendship, who would want to get on the bad sides of the popular kids who's head over heels with the academy Saintess??"

"Hah..! Seriously, you.... Just be careful, okay? I don't wanna end up with a depressed friend who got crushed under the crown prince's shoe, it'd be worse if Lady Hunt gets on your case even."

"Okay, okay..!"


That was the conversation she and her friend had before this situation was happening in front of her.

She was sweating bullets staying in place on her lap, her arms wrapped around her, face buried on her back.

Y/n was stuck sitting on Katarina's lap, dumbfounded she felt, the only thing Katarina said before this happened was, "You smell nice."

Yes, it was the perfume she wore again.

'Does Lady Katarina secretly have a thing for perfumes??' she gave a small glance over her shoulder.

Katarina was napping on her.

'If that's the case... Is there a possibility of winning her heart?' what a funny thought that was to cross her mind, 'No, that's unlikely, Lady Katarina is already joked about to be the densest thing in the academy?'

"Lady Katarina..?" She reached to nudge her awake, no response, she nudged her a bit more, "Lady Katarina?"

The only response she got was a side glare, "Quiet."

It made her gasp, flinching as she turned back around stock still.

'She's weirdly scary at points of time though.' she thought.

They were somewhere isolated inside the academy, y/n wasn't sure how but it just happens that they were in an isolated spot, a corner never used by any students or faculty staff members.

Oh, the principal does pass by here, rarely though. So it was unlikely to happen.

'Am I heavy..?' what a thought she had, she's been sitting on Katarina's lap for a while now, after all, sweating bullets, 'I must be heavy, right?? No, I might not, Lady Katarina would've already told me to get off if I was heavy!'

She could feel Katarina's calm breathing against the back of her neck, she must've crumpled up her dress a little from the grip she had on it over her beet-red-colored cheeks.

'I wonder when I should wake her up.' then the sound of shoes made her snap awake from her chaining thoughts.

"What a day.."

That voice was the principal!

She shrieked mentally, unconsciously, and got up, accidentally hitting Katarina's face in the process with the back of her head.

'Ow..!' she winced a little holding her head.

Katarina had a hand to her face, sulking with annoyance, "Eughh...."

[1] The Moshino Toy (Female!Reader x Katarina/MNLAAV:ARLTD fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now