33: Canoodle

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"You're not angry at me?" Y/n asked a second time as Katarina stared at her for a moment, quiet, before nuzzling down to on the back of her neck.

She smelled nice, that's why.

"Lady Katarina?" Y/n blushed, gulping, she looked around them in the empty corridor they were in, 'Is it possible if I can ask her for another kiss..?'

She contemplated over that thought in mind, "Lady Katarina.."

'She keeps calling me..' Katarina furrowed her brows for a second there, a little confused about the situation.

Y/n does tend to call her by her name a lot when they're together but not a lot unless there are other people with them or even if they're just passing by the anywhere.

"What is it, y/n?" She finally responded.

"I want.. a kiss." y/n muttered.

Katarina looked up from behind her, "You want what?"

She didn't hear her clearly.

"I-I! I want.. I want a kiss...!" Y/n covered her face in embarrassment, it's been a few days since they met in the infirmary and they've never really finalized what their official relationship together was, not once.

"A kiss..?" Katarina's eyes widened before calming back down, bewildered yet you could tell she'd have a wagging tail of a dog hearing that.


Y/n flinched, "Wait, wha--"


It happened too quickly, y/n was confused and the next thing she knew, Katarina gave her a quick kiss on the lips, she was redder than a tomato, shrieking in her hands in surprise, sputtering, "I-I wasn't ready!"

"Ah, sorry.." Katarina looked away, 'I must've been too eager...'

"Can we.. uhh... Not do it out in public like this, it feels a little... Just a little Embarrassing." Y/n muttered, 'And somebody might see us..!'

Katarina perked up, smiling, how adorable she had found this coming from her, "Of course."

She reached a hand to y/n's chin and raised it to face her directly.

Y/n shot up, squealing in the realization of what'll happen, she shoved both hands in front of Katarina's mouth, shouting, "Wait a second!!"

Katarina stared nonchalantly at her and paused.

"Is something wrong?" She asked.

'I just said not in the corridor like this!' y/n gulped, smiling meekly, sputtering, "L-Let do it tomorrow, I need to prepare myself and everything after all..!"

Katarina watched her somehow slip out of her hold and rush for her dorm room, slamming the door in front of her face.

Katarina stared, eyes wide in shock as her brows furrowed, 'How dare she...'

That got her a little cranky.


In her bedroom, Katarina lay staring at her ceiling.

'I want to kiss her.'

And what a wild mindset she had.


As for y/n, she was squealing ever so often under her covers, trying to catch sleep but none would come.

Why did she even say that?

She felt so embarrassed, Katarina must find her weird now, considering that she told her that she wanted.

Who even says that?

She'd be shunned from society the moment anybody catches wind of this from any circulating rumor.

[1] The Moshino Toy (Female!Reader x Katarina/MNLAAV:ARLTD fanfiction)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ