35: Precarious

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In the empty hallway that's rarely ever used to walk through by neither student nor faculty staff members.

"You can do what you want," Katarina said, "But if you leave me alone like yesterday.. I won't stay still."

Y/n smiled meekly while nodding, she had forgotten about Katarina yesterday because she got into a deep conversation with the librarian about the few novels she had finished reading.

"Sorry, I got distracted talking to the librarian and forgot.." she apologized for that.

Katarina frowned, "Fine."

She reluctantly took the apology, she found it quite annoying to have to forgive her over something like that.

Well, it's not like y/n was doing something to make her jealous of someone else of her.

"S.. so, to make up for that, uhh." Y/n cleared her throat, meek, she tried to avert from her gaze to say, "I will give you a... K-Kiss.."

Katarina's eyes widened, like a dog who was told they'll be going for a walk together.

"A kiss." She repeated it, nodding, "Alright."

Y/n couldn't help but smile feeling all fuzzy on the inside hearing that, it was making her throat all ticklish on the inside.

"First.. close your eyes."

Katarina hummed and did as she was told.

Y/n gulped, reaching with both hands to cup Katarina's face, she slowly, leaned forward, and she swore she could feel Katarina's lips perk up into a small grin when she brushed it across her lips.


Gentle and not hurried or panicked, she leaned back after a few more seconds.

Katarina opened her eyes after y/n parted from her.

"You're not..." Y/n looked away, face red, she felt a little embarrassed for some reason, "You're not angry I kissed you last time without permission, right..?"

"I'm mad at you, y/n," Katarina said, eyes calm, it looked as though she was looking down on a bunny with such heavy ears.

"Promise?" Y/n asked.

Katarina blinked, "I promise..."

She actually gives in that easily?

"Pinkie promise, you have to swear on it..!" Y/n urged.

Katarina blinked a second time staring at her, "I pinkie promise, swearing on it with my life."

She reached, taking one of y/n's hand into hers and putting it in front of her chest.

Y/n felt the beating heart on her palm, and as fascinating as it was, she smiled nodding, it was cute as well, she couldn't help but giggle over it.

Katarina's eyes widened, staring, the darkness loomed ever so much stronger the closer her heart got to this person.

How dangerous could it even get if it covered the entirety of her heart sooner than later?

'You are.. mine....'

Suddenly the school bell rang.

Katarina clicked her tongue.

"We should go our separate ways for now," Y/n said.

"I don't want to." Katarina blurted.

"W-Well, sometimes you have to." Y/n muttered, "Besides, it's not good skipping classes, I need to focus on my studies and you should too, Lady f/n told me of your grades."

Katarina flinched, her frowning lips twitching a little by the edges.

Y/n perked up, she noticed that she must've pissed her off, at least, that's what she thinks she did, smiling meekly, she suggested a bet with her, "How about this? If you successfully ace all of your grades with high marks, I'll... Uhh, let you choose a reward."

It's always a good way to give someone a goal to encourage them.

Katarina nodded after hearing the word 'reward' from her, "I will do as you say, y/n..."


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