95: Swordsmanship

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Katarina couldn't sleep.

She covered her face with both hands only to feel something warm cross her cheeks from just the touch alone.


She sighed, 'My hands are bleeding again...'

She got up to call for a nearby servant for some assistance with it.


"You again.."

Katarina looked, it was the same doctor from last time, "Ah... Yes, it's me."

She never got his name.

D/n smirked, 'Looks like she's not really well cared for as a family, she must be a dead concubine's daughter then.'

He chuckled, reaching a hand out.

Katarina suddenly felt a jump of emotion within her, a sudden experience of disgusting malice.

Without even realizing it, she had reached both hands, she was fast.

It'd seem those few days of harsh and inhumane training paid off.


She grabbed him by the neck in one hand and one fell swoop, "What the hell do you think you're trying to do..?!"

Katarina could still feel the malice coming from him, it wouldn't stop pouring.

She grit her teeth, her grip tightening further, d/n couldn't speak at all properly because of it.

'It's disgusting!!!' Katarina lost it and had thrown him out the window.

A loud crash rang out near her side of the building in the manor.

It woke half the servants nearest to her awake from the sound of breaking glass and that loud echoing scream of a man that came after.

Katarina's breaths became fast for a moment before calming back down once she felt like the air in the room had become somewhat pervious.

She sighed, and her hands stopped bawling into fists as v/n's servant among others rushed inside to see what had happened.

V/n's servant looked and saw Katarina's hands were bleeding, the wounds opened up even under the bandages.

They rushed over to aid her.


L/n rubbed his eyes awake, and crossed his arms, he watched as a doctor wrapped new bandages around Katarina's hands after cleaning up the small wounds that had opened up on them.

"He killed a doctor?" He asked v/n.

V/n shrugged, "Yes, fortunately, it was the snobby doctor I've been meaning to ask you to get rid of, so.. he must've had a very good excuse for it."

She smiles up at him.

'You've got to be kidding me...' L/n huffed, rolling his eyes in return.


Katarina couldn't sleep after that quick ruckus close to midnight.

She sat up, turned the lights on, and looked around the shelves again.

She pulled a book from the very top edge to the right.

It was a book concerning swordsmanship.

"Huh..? The 1st Generation Great Sword Swordsmanship?" It was a bit of a stretch for a name about a type of swordsmanship.

Cringey name.

She flipped it open to look.

She perked up, it was rather, much more useful than she expected to take note of.

'Claymore, The blade bestowed upon the First Grand Duke held up by the First King.

The Claymore is undoubtedly one of the First Grand Duke's most recognizable swords. The sword's hilt had a downswept guard, with the crossguard's prongs pointed towards the blade. Some hilts also had two concave plates for added protection; this was dubbed the "clamshell hilt" because of its similarity to an open clam.

The swordsman didn't need a shield because the sword was so large, giving the image of pride and might.'

[1] The Moshino Toy (Female!Reader x Katarina/MNLAAV:ARLTD fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now