50: Pathological

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"I had a sleepover with Lady Katarina." Y/n lied.

Anne hummed, 'She would've told me if that was the case.'

"Lady Katarina would've informed me beforehand." She saw through her lie.

"Well... She wanted it to be a secret and I'd leave before four in the morning and head back to my dorm but I overslept." Y/n said, tapping once on the table with her pen while chuckling a little.

'Huh.. asking for help that quickly?' f/n blinked before continuing with where she left off with, "Indeed, she was planning it with Lady y/n. I overheard their conversation since we were studying together in the library once but I had studies that night later so I couldn't join them."

Anne stared at y/n.

'Those statements seem true.. Lady Katarina would definitely do something like that in secret.' she huffed, 'Perhaps I was worried over nothing, and even if I was. I'd rather I hope Lady Katarina didn't take a bath together with her that night...'

"I see.." she said, apologizing, "Then, I apologize for my rude behavior just now."

"It's alright, your Lady Katarina's maid, I understand your concerns for her well-being," Y/n assured her.

Anne smiled nodding, of course, she was concerned for Katarina's well-being. How could she not?


No matter how Katarina saw it.

"The cookies aren't tasty anymore!"

Every time she was with her friends, they were always fighting. She was finally beginning to notice it now.

"What do you think y/n is doing right now?"

Strange, she's never noticed anything out of the ordinary before.

"I don't know, should we go look for her instead?"

And for some time, her taste in Maria's baked goods had begun to subside. They.. didn't taste just like how she remembered them to be, sweet and savory that's just too addicting to quit.

"We're studying remember?"

Was there something wrong with her?

"Let's go see her!!"

She hummed, looking through the notes she took in class to not ask Maria for hers, she flipped to the last page.

"I wanna see her!"

Something was wrong with her somehow.. but what is it?

"Enough, the notebook, we must finish studying our notes."

She shook her mind clearly and shut her notebook in one hand.

"I don't like studying!"

This time, Alan seemed to be in their big quarrel today.

"We must study if we want to appease her."

Was it because of the voices pointing out the littlest of things around her sometimes?

"I don't like it here! It's loud!"

Or the darkness that somehow kept its thin size hidden from Maria's shimmering blue eyes?

"But they're not shouting?"

Whatever it may be, Katarina had found the smallest of details whenever she was around her friends. She still doesn't think any of them are madly in love with her which is unfortunate, if she knew everything might've gone through a different choice.

"Let's sneak away! I'll use a little dark magic to hide our presence for a moment when we get up and walk away. They'll never notice."



"Oh..! Lady Katarina.." she chuckled looking over her shoulder, the arms that wrapped around her small figure became familiar by feeling as she asked, "What are you doing here?"

Katarina leaned down on the back of her neck, huffing, she muttered, "I came looking for you."

Indeed she has, she snuck away from her harem just to see her and feel better around her presence.

How clingy.

[1] The Moshino Toy (Female!Reader x Katarina/MNLAAV:ARLTD fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now