37: Hubbub

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The doctor had left a few minutes ago to get Katarina some medicine, let's just say it was unfortunate that the medicine wasn't available in the infirmary's office so they had to take a quick leave to buy it from the nearest drugstore on foot running forth and back.

It's been an hour since they left now.

"Aaurrghh..!" Katarina grit her teeth, biting down hard, she was covered in a cold sweat, breathing heavily.

"So lonely!!"

She curled into a ball while laying on her side on the white bed.

"She has to stay!"

The curtains were drawn, she was fortunate that nobody can see her in this state, and it's good that nobody does see her in this state, ever, 'What is this..!?'

"No! You can't make her stay! She's a human for God's sakes!"

The darkness had grown stronger.

"Shut up, Katherine! She is mine!"

"Haahhgg..!!" She clutched the bed in one hand, squeezing it in her hands, ruffled, she growled.

"That's enough, Amber!"

"Shut up...." Shaking, it felt cold even when it was a sunny day.

"Get away from me!!!"

'Shut up..! So loud!!'

"You can't keep her forever!"

Breathing heavily as the darkness was slowly beginning to cloud the entirety of the infirmary.


'It hurts, make it stop..! Please!!'


She slammed her head down on the soft mattress and fortunately, that's what she did instead of falling off of the bed and hitting her head on the floor instead.


Sora and Raphael flinched, they both felt an odd shiver run up their spines. Weird, that came out of nowhere to them. They shook their minds clear.


Maria gasped, a sudden burst of negative energy had passed through scaring her, a little strange that it gave her a weird fright all of a sudden while leaving her second-morning class with Mary and Sophia.

It's such a good thing nobody can remember Katarina's curse right after a day from hearing it, not a single memory or trace of somebody knowing about it ever remains.


"Stay quiet, you're too loud... Keep it quiet, it's too loud, you're all way too loud." Katarina muttered, whispering to herself, she tried to wipe the sweat from her face with one hand while sitting on the edge of the bed with a heavy sigh to cover her face with both hands.

'They were all way too loud...' the bags under her eyes had suddenly become evident.

They were visible, was it because of dark magic suddenly combusting and finally exploding out of her?

If possible, by now the room would be filled with dark flames everywhere, consuming every inch of the room.

She sighed under both hands, her mind was corrupting much faster than anticipated as a knock came from the door, "Lady Katarina?"

She snapped out of her thoughts to look up at the familiar voice, "Y/n.."

Y/n pulled the curtains aside and smiled when she saw her, "Lady f/n told me you were here.. what's wrong? Do you need anything..?"

Katarina stared up at her, she caught a whiff of the perfume she was wearing to reach out a hand and grab her arm.

"Oh!?" Y/n surprised herself as she was pulled down sitting on Katarina's lap, "Lady Katarina..?"

Katarina nuzzled close to her neck, breathing deep yet softly as her body loosened into a calm state.

"Y/n..." She muttered her name, squeezing her slightly for a second before immediately loosening it to y/n's necessary comfort.

[1] The Moshino Toy (Female!Reader x Katarina/MNLAAV:ARLTD fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now