66: Infidelity

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"She's very close to another student other than Lady f/n, her name is Katarina Claes. The Duke's only daughter, and from what I've summed up from watching the two are in a forbidden love relationship," the servant began, "And Lady Katarina seemed to be fascinated by the perfumes Lady y/n creates."

V/n thought that through, 'Forbidden love, huh.. that's not something like eloping can't solve, and what else... Perfumes as well.'

"Anything else suspicious?" She asked.

The servant thought about it for a moment, "If I may.. I can't tell if it is suspicious but..."

V/n glanced over to them, 'I wonder what kinds of instruments Lady y/n uses to create her perfumes.'

"Lady Katarina seems to have a preference for sneaking out of her dorm to be in Lady y/n's."

A thread in the clues of a theory board snapped in v/n's head, "Can you say that again?"

"Lady Katarina seems to have a preference for sneaking out of her dorm to be in Lady y/n's dorm..?" The servant repeated her words as per order from her.

V/n stuck a string to Katarina, 'Wait, could it be..?'

"No," she muttered, "It's just way too unbelievable..."

'But it could be a one in a million chance.' she tried shaking her mind clear, 'Though such an occurrence is indeed possible, it's just never happened before that is....'

She snapped her fingers, "Get me everything you could as background information about Lady Katarina from the butler, tell him to also get it done by tomorrow for you to collect."

"Understood, Master."


'Lady Katarina has been.. spending more time with me recently, no matter how I see it. I think I see her at every corner after classes as such.' y/n toyed with Katarina's hand.

She could feel the bumps of roughness and old long gone calluses in her open palm and the back.

"Hmm.. y/n."

She perked up, looking over to Katarina, 'Oh, she was just talking in her sleep.'

She relieved a sigh and decided, it'd be best that she also get some rest before tomorrow arrives.


Early morning, v/n's servant came inside the room bearing information.

V/n took the offered summed-up documents from her and skimmed through them.

'Huh, she has a history of headaches..' that set a flag for her as she flipped through, 'A doctor was called in to check up on her quite a lot even in her childhood, and never found anything as well.'

Of course, they wouldn't find anything.

Normal humans as such can't see it no matter what they do.

'There's no way, he.. I mean, she could be the first in the many ancestors of Lords to inherit it all thanks to a mistake on the current Lord's part with their lover.' she shut the folder in one hand and slammed it down on the desk.

A sneering grin flipped her frown upward, 'Amazing...'

She couldn't help but laugh quietly under a hand thinking about it now.

'I must meet them at once!'

[1] The Moshino Toy (Female!Reader x Katarina/MNLAAV:ARLTD fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now