88: Enervated

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Katarina managed to somehow get over forty laps or so done before ending up on the ground, throwing up her light breakfast out of her system.

L/n clicked his tongue, 'Why the hell does she have such a weak stomach..?'

He walked over to her and tossed the wooden sword over, "Pick up your sword, Seth."

Katarina felt inclined as she took the sword with both hands, taken by surprise to block the sudden attack that came at her all of a sudden.

"Kurghh---?!!" Shaking a little at the heavy force she had to hold back from hitting her.

She tried to draw it back over to l/n.


"Looks like Lady Katarina is doing well now.." v/n hummed, 'At least she's somehow catching up better on how things will work for her here.'

"Master," her servant took a step forward, "The Prince wishes to meet with a member of the Grand Duke's family."

"Ehh..?" V/n arched a brow looking over at her, "Why now? Doesn't Prince Cc/n have anything else better to do?"

The servant lowered their head, "He's in the waiting room, Master."

V/n groaned rolling her eyes, "Fine, it's best I see what that concubine's child wants. He doesn't even seem to know what extent his situation is in all because the Queen treats him as equal."

'Perhaps since Queen q/n doesn't find him any use of a competitor alongside her biological daughter that she doesn't worry.... What a foolish thing to do even..' she got up to meet with the Prince in the waiting room.


"Aarghh--!" Katarina held her hand down, l/n hit it way too hard with the sword.

L/n pointed to the wooden sword at her again, "Pick your sword up."

Katarina didn't retaliate, grumbling as she reached out, grabbing it before rushing towards him.

Like a burning fire that flickered from the step she took to push herself forward in one swoop, it rose, reaching her hands that gripped the handle of a measly wooden sword.

'Huh..!?' l/n shot up bewildered in between his swing as he watched darkness engulf Katarina's sword midway impact.

It was loud when I say it had exploded.

Though, Katarina didn't stop and kept swinging.

"Hahh.." the wooden sword in l/n's hands had been broken slightly due to the darkness covering his opponent's sword.

'Impressive...' he smirked as he began to withdraw back, trying to block each careless swing that came at him.

Katarina must've shouted with each swing she did before swinging one last time with both the wooden swords finally breaking in half.

She gasped, trying to get a breather stopping.

L/n stared at the broken training pieces of equipment in front of him, before immediately bursting into a fit of laughter.

Katarina looked up at him, harsh breaths, stamina low, and mental capacity overrun with negativity from the sudden forceful use of her dark magic in one go, "Ahh..."

She fainted.


"Really? She somehow managed to use 'it' with enough force. Wouldn't that ruin her mood and change her personality for the worse??"

Such a faint voice Katarina could hardly hear to make out what was being said.

"It doesn't matter if she does engulf herself, devoured by her weakness of dark magic. We can only wait until her coming of age if she can indeed carry the darkness within her just fine or if I'd have to get rid of her and accept the princess's stubborn marriage proposal."

She wanted to sleep just a bit more.

She felt oddly tired, more tired than last time.

[1] The Moshino Toy (Female!Reader x Katarina/MNLAAV:ARLTD fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now