29: Germane

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Katarina snapped out of it, shaking her mind clear, she was holding a biscuit in one hand while her supposed friends were busy bickering with each other.

She remembers them being in the council office and talking about a 'dark magic' related spell on her.

Well, it was more of a curse really, a curse only she knew and anybody who knew about it would forget after an hour from being told about it, oh, dear me.

I forgot to mention it in earlier chapters, did I? It was obvious why she never found it necessary to tell anybody about it.

Well, here she was, she must've dazed herself a little and eaten half of the cookies present on the plate in front of her, 'How was y/n able to remember me being cursed though..? I only told her once about it without question since it wouldn't matter if it spread or not.'

"Is something wrong?"

She perked up, turning to Alan, he raised a brow at her, occasionally, he would glance over at her now and then, noticing she did not eat the cookies she had been so preoccupied with.

"You barely touched the snacks Maria made you." He chided.

She shrugged smiling, saying, "I'm full."

Alan snickered under a hand, that was the funniest thing he's heard her say in a while, chuckling, "Right.."

Katarina laughed before standing up from her seat, "I forgot something important so I'm gonna go first."

Alan glanced over at his friends, they were all still busy teasing each other.

"Yeah, sure, go ahead." He didn't care much about her leaving.



Y/n was surprised by a hand grabbing her by the arm and into a tight embrace.


She flinched, "L-Lady Katarina..!?"

Katarina rested her head down on her shoulder, "Where did you run off to? I feel so tired.."

Y/n gave a confused look towards her, 'Weren't Lady f/n and I just kicked out of the council office so your friends could talk about your curse??'

"Well, I--"

"It's unfair, you seem to hang out more with Lady f/n."

'That's because she's my friend..' y/n felt sweat behind her neck, chuckling meekly, she tried reasoning with, "Well.. I was busy..? With my studies as you can tell I have books in my hand?"

Katarina looked down, she did have quite a hefty stack of books, she could see y/n's arms shaking a little, they must be heavy.

She pulled her aside a little so she can reach out and carry the books for her, "I'll carry them."

"Huh? Oh, no, I can--"

"I'll carry them," Katarina repeated herself with a much more serious tone.

"A-Alright..." Y/n couldn't say no even if she put up an excuse for it.

"Where were you going with your boo--..." When she looked down and grabbed the book at the very top, she was met with a romance novel.

'Romance..' she eyed her.

"What..?" Y/n sputtered a little there, "I-I also like reading romance novels as well, remember?"

'Remember?' Katarina stared at her with a blank expression.

"It doesn't matter, as long as you like it. I like it as well." She does like romance novels though, Sophia and she are book buddies after all.

[1] The Moshino Toy (Female!Reader x Katarina/MNLAAV:ARLTD fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now