96: Fortuitous

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'Long swords could easily bend during the bronze and iron ages, making the concept of a two-handed longsword unworkable. Such a sword could only be created with the introduction of Medieval steel.

The Claymore was a two-handed weapon that was mostly used for slicing but could also be used for stabbing. The blade's overall weight, combined with the strength of a two-handed swing, made it easy to cut skulls.

Claymores are enormous weapons that were designed for both intimidation and usefulness during Scotland's intense clan warfare periods, particularly during the 1500s. An average claymore measured 55 inches in length, with the hilt measuring 13 inches and the blade measuring 42 inches. Fighting with a claymore was a sort of art due to its sheer size and weight.

To perform the swordsmanship of the Claymore, raise the sword until it is parallel to your waist. Because a normal claymore can weigh 2.72 kilograms, which will be uniformly spread over the length of the blade, this will usually require two hands. Before you start swinging the weapon, you'll need to get a feel for its balance. To obtain a sense of how the sword's weight impacts its agility, rotate it a few times in small circles.

Return to a level posture with the sword. Swing the blade at your selected target using your momentum. The Claymore is designed for instant kills rather than extended battles. The Claymore was designed to quickly penetrate the thick armor worn by the English at the time. Due to the size of the blade, the weight of the steel, and the force of your momentum, a single claymore swing can usually penetrate most opposing defenses.

You'll need to recover quickly if an attacker parries or blocks an attack because speedier opponents with lighter weapons will be planning a riposte strike soon after a successful dodge. After a strong stroke, you'll realize that returning the sword to arms is tough. If avoiding is a problem, release the sword with one hand and use that hand to block, strike, or parry as much as possible, recovering your strike with the sword-bearing hand.

Return the sword to a ready-to-fight state. If you don't succeed the first time, reset your posture and try again. Because of the natural momentum that the sword provides, your opponents will expend more energy blocking or dodging the hit than you will swing the sword. If your opponent attacks, cover your complete body with your sword, altering its position to deflect any hits. The ideal position for blocking most blows is to hold the sword with the point facing downward and inclined slightly to one side; nevertheless, this stance makes attacking strikes difficult to prepare. Maintain a tiny movement with the blade until you're ready to attack.'

Katarina flinched when the doors suddenly burst open while she was reading near the end of the page she was on.

L/n glanced over to her, "Haven't I told you before if you're already awake, you must get ready before I come in here?"

Katarina bowed lightly, "My apologies I was distracted reading."

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