21: Scabrous

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It's been an hour or more since Katarina fell back asleep again.

'Does she.. not get any stiffness in her body when she sleeps like this..?' y/n reached, taking one of Katarina's hands in hers, she fiddled a little with her hand in hers, 'Her hand feels soft when it's under a glove..'

'It's very... Weird.' she hummed, glancing over to Katarina, their eyes met.

Her heart rate skyrocketed for just a moment while blushing hard as she immediately calmed it down.

"What's fascinating about my hand?" Katarina dragged her words out.

Y/n meekly smiled, "Sorry, did I wake you up..?"

"No.." Katarina huffed.

"O-Oh?" Y/n blinked.

Katarina intertwined their hands together for a moment, "Your hand is quite small."

Y/n gulped, chuckling, trying to calm her heart on steady beats.

"Well, I don't eat a lot because I have a small stomach." She said.

Katarina muttered something under her breath before slowly falling back asleep once again.

Y/n smiled and nudged her back awake, telling her, "Lady Katarina, it's almost evening near five. You need to wake up now, your friends must be looking for you.."

Katarina grumbled, irritated, brows furrowed back awake, she sat upright but with arms still wrapped around her, scoffing, "I don't care.."

'As much as you don't care, they're your friends, aren't they?' y/n felt a trickle of sweat behind her neck as she tried to come up with an excuse to get away, "I see.. but, I need to study for the two days of classes I missed."

"So?" Katarina arched a brow at her.

'Does that not work for an excuse??' y/n felt perplexed, she didn't know what to say as she tried to think of one, saying, "Lady f/n must be looking for me by now, I did say I'd help her with her studies and she'd help me with what I missed for the past two days."

"You didn't miss anything important for the past two days.." Katarina blurted.

'Does she not want me to leave???' Y/m smiled chuckling meekly, 'But I have to though....'

"Please let go now, Lady Katarina, I really do need to study." She said.

Katarina didn't budge, she was just looking even madder than before.

Y/n needed to compromise instead, doesn't she?

"H-How about you sneak into my dorm tonight? I'll leave the door open and you can come in and lock the door behind you." She suggested something you'd need drowning courage for, "My dorm room number is.."


"Where have you been!?" Keith asked.

"Eh? Oh, uhh... I kind of went to the infirmary then to my dorm, and then outside." Katarina blinked, calmly lying through her teeth with a meek smile, she apologized to her friends for worrying them.

"Please, don't do something worrying like that again, alright? If you ever feel sick you can tell us!" Gerald sighed, a hand on his face, he was a little angry but he noticed a faint scent as the Claes siblings passed by him.

It smelled sweet.

[1] The Moshino Toy (Female!Reader x Katarina/MNLAAV:ARLTD fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now