73: Greensward

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It was nice in the park.

The lights were on and not a single soul was in sight other than each other's presence.

"Woah..." Y/n looked at the beautiful decorations around them, 'It'd be nice if I could pick some of those flowers up to use and make perfumes out of.'

Though she might get caught doing such things and her father might get called to her.

That wouldn't be ideal.

"Kat, c'mon. The middle of the park is just up ahead, the view there is much nicer than just the paths leading to it." She called up to Katarina who slowly walked behind her.

Katarina nodded hurrying to her feet though.


"She caught you?" V/n asked.

Her servant nodded, "She's very sharp with her senses as you had expected after her powers succeeded in finishing the blooming process."

V/n smiled, 'Wonderful, I should get her home tomorrow for Father to meet, he won't be delighted to see 'it' be in possession of a woman but an heir now should suffice.'

"Prepare my luggage tonight, we'll be persuading my dear Sister to come back home with me tomorrow." She laughed.

"Of course, Master."


Y/n stared at the large fountain, looking down at it, it was crystal clear enough that you could see the coins at the very bottom.

"It looks quite deep for a fountain," Katarina commented.

Y/n chuckled, "Want to know a secret Lady f/n and I used to do whenever we'd come here?"

Katarina sat down on the edge of the fountain, "If you wish to tell me, I'll listen."

Y/n chuckled a second time under a hand.

"We used to do little competitions where we'd race from the entrance to here and the last one had to be thrown into the fountain as punishment." She said.

Katarina perked up, "You two do that?"

"Mhm," y/n nodded, "We both have good immune systems so we don't get sick getting dunked in cold water late at night so easily, and it's rather fun."

Katarina smiled, 'That only makes me jealous.'

Y/n began taking off her shoes, "Don't you want to dip your feet in for a bit?"

She began folding her pants up a little by knee height.

"What?" Katarina chirped.

"It's alright, there's a hidden special rune that makes the water hot at night once it senses the moon being up high in the sky," Y/n said, stepping her bare feet into the water, and paddling it a little. The fountain seemed much deeper than it looked when Katarina watched her do it.

'What if you fall in..?' Katarina did as she suggested and dipped her feet in bare.

"It's oddly warm." She commented it wasn't cold at all.

Y/n smiled, "Once it becomes a full moon, the water begins to boil a little on the bottom but it isn't strong enough to hurt you."

"Huh," Katarina hummed, "Fascinating."

It piqued her curiosity a little to ask, "Does nobody else know about this?"

"No, so please, keep this a secret between you, Lady f/n, and I?" Y/n said.

"Of course, y/n." Katarina smiled, how could she not promise such a thing for someone dearest to her?

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