17: Ordeal

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Everything went as it did, Katarina's friends stuck with her after class and had tea and biscuits, though this time, Gerald had bought dessert for her, slices of various flavors of cakes.

Everyone didn't care about it since it was only for Katarina to have.

Alan did steal one slice.

It was vanilla so Katarina didn't pay too much mind to that one and devoured the other flavors of cake.


"Urghh..!" Katarina held her head down as she was just on her way to the girl's dorm.

'No, no, no..! Not now!!' her head was spinning and the loud ringing, something new, a buzzing sound??

It was agitating to hear as it was getting louder.

Suddenly, a hand fell on her shoulder and tried to shake her awake a little.

"Lady Katarina..!" She couldn't hear their voice.

She had promptly left her friends since she needed to get something real quick from her dorm room, she had finished three slices of cake by then when she left.

She looked over, 'Huh..?'

Her vision became blurry, darkening a little, and she couldn't tell who was in front of her.

"Uhh... Let's go to.. my room for a second shall we?"

"W... What? Where are..?"

"C'mon, you look sickly..!"


Katarina found herself lying on a bed that wasn't hers.

"So... You can't see anything?"

Katarina tried to focus on the voice over the sound of buzzing and ringing in unison in her ears.

F/n hummed and looked around her.

"Huh? What's that smell..?"

She perked up, "Huh? What smell?"

She had just pulled her desk drawer open, 'Oh, right! Y/n did say something about Lady Katarina having a sensitive nose..'

"You mean this?" She took out a small bottle of perfume, "It's a perfume Lady y/n made me."

She gave it to Katarina to hold.

"Perfume.." Katarina sprayed a little on her wrist to see what it smelled like, it smelled close to an air freshener.

Like the nicer scent you get after a rain occurred, she blinked, oh, her vision came back a little.

"Huh..? Lady f/n?"

F/n shot up, "Oh! You can see me again? That's good and you should get that checked up as well if you suddenly said you couldn't see for a while there, that scared me a little.."

For a noble Lady, she was just as somewhat eccentric as her.

"Well.." it was beginning to get awkward in the room, "Why don't you go now? I'm sure your friends must be waiting for you!"

"Oh, right.." Katarina hummed, "I told them I'll be right back after I grab something real quick from my room."

And she immediately left thereafter.

F/n helped her before anybody could see the state she was in, nobody can find out about her curse no matter what.

Fortunately, she didn't bring the bottle of perfume with her, that perfume she let her sample is one of the perfumes y/n made specifically for her only. It's a rarity of being made only for her and nobody else so it was precious.

[1] The Moshino Toy (Female!Reader x Katarina/MNLAAV:ARLTD fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now