47: Banchansky

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There was a broken dog hole hidden amongst trees from afar, it looked big enough to fit a person through, and through the other side, it connects itself to a dim alley.

"Where is this..?" Katarina asked.

Y/n smiled while slightly tipping her hat forward with glee before saying, "It's the secret dog hole only me and Lady f/n seem to know about but now.. you know where it is too so you have to keep it a secret, alright?"

Katarina huffed, nodding as she began making her way toward the only exit of this alley with y/n beside her.


"Huh, I didn't know there was gonna be a little festival tonight," y/n pondered while walking alongside Katarina who seemed to be looking around without much interest.

How strange.

Y/n reached a hand over to her and grabbed her by the arm.

That quickly got Katarina to turn all of her attention to her.

"Let's hold hands so we don't separate while in any crowd together," Y/n said.

Katarina blinked, thinking it through for a moment before nodding, "Okay."

Y/n smiled and walked past stalls, everything was bustling with life around them.

"Oh! Now that I think about it, it was usually Lady f/n who knew about these nightly festivals." She turned to look up at Katarina, asking, "Do you wanna eat some skewers? They're actually quite delicious."

'Hm... Have I heard that word before from somewhere..?' Katarina didn't bother declining, "If that's what you want, y/n."

Y/n chuckled a little, 'You sound a bit disinterested though..'

"Let's go, the stalls should be this way." She said, this time she was leading the way.


When they came to, the smell of roasting meat and vegetables hit their noses.

Katarina frowned, 'Too nauseating.'

For some reason, she didn't like the smell of smoke and charcoal.

Y/n on the other hand seemed happy to be there though.

'As long as she likes it...' Katarina huffed, following beside her.

Y/n began buying things for two.


"Try it," she urged.

Katarina took a bite, it wasn't that bad, though, she wasn't really hungry. She wasn't feeling the slightest hungry lately.

"Tasty, right?" Y/n laughed chiding in as she took the drinks she brought from a different stall in both hands.

Katarina took the other coconut from y/n so she could eat, "Yes.. it's tasty."

'It tastes nothing more just like cooked steak but grilled.' that's what she thought about as she watched y/n drink up the sweet coconut water.

Her eyes widened for a second, 'Cute..'

"Shall we continue?" Y/n asked.

Katarina snapped out of her daze to nod and follow after her.

They came to a small park, sitting down on the open benches alongside each other.

Katarina had finished her food.

"By the way.." y/n hummed, asking, "What should I call you? I mean, while we're outside late at night?"

Katarina perked up, 'A pet name..?'

"Anything would be fine." She said, though, she was insisting she does use some form of a pet name.

How weird of her tonight.

"Oh!" Y/n blinked, 'Huh, I get to choose? I thought she'd think of one up on the spot..'

"Then, what if I call you.."

[1] The Moshino Toy (Female!Reader x Katarina/MNLAAV:ARLTD fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now