76: Osculation

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Katarina chuckled, 'But I mind it if you don't ask for a reward.'

"Please, be free to ask anything from me. I feel more embarrassed not letting you have anything after all the things I've asked of you." She said.

Y/n gulped a heavier one and stared up at Katarina, "P-Please close your eyes.."

"Alright." Katarina did as she was asked.

Y/n began to dig up courage behind her head to use in this moment. Leaning forward, both hands on Katarina's face, cupping it.

Katarina couldn't help but smile over such soft lips on hers.

She could even smell the scent of familiar lavender wrap her other senses dull to the pleasure.


Y/n pulled away, 'Phew, I got too into it way too much.. I almost ran out of breathe there.'

'I want more though...' she hummed, touching her lips after she parted from Katarina.

Katarina stared at her, and she took another guess with y/n's expression, "Do you want more?"

"Huh!?" Y/n flinched, she stammered a hesitant decline back.

Katarina smiled, "Please, don't hold back. I've already decided to commit everything for you no matter what, and you've even kept My promise to remind me of who I am in case I did lose myself."

Y/n frowned, she didn't want to be reminded by that moment of fright she felt when Katarina seemed to have forgotten her memories one time.

It was the aftermath of her magic successfully blooming so it couldn't be helped and neither knew that being a thing that caused the sudden amnesia to the others present with them at that time.

"Does my face perhaps bother you? I've heard it in whispers that my face does look like a villainess." Katarina joked.

Y/n shot up, "Who told you such things!?"

"You're the most beautiful person I could think of with such a pure heart!" She said.

'A pure heart, huh..?' Katarina huffed, 'I... Can't tell anymore though..'

"I see." She nodded it off.

Y/n puffed her cheeks for a second before reaching both hands up, she cupped Katarina's face in both and leaned forward.




"Ah..?" The sudden quick kisses she got from y/n on her lips surprised her, her face felt hot with the shade of red.

Y/n gulped, a meek smile, 'Don't think about anything anymore y/n! You must tell her now!'

"I... I lov--"

"Lady y/n! Lady Katarina!!"

Their moment was interrupted by Mary sliding on the grass to stop just by a mere second from her turn.

"So this is where you two were?!" Mary laughed, gasping for a breather. She must've ran around and all the way here outside the academy's cafeteria just like everybody else that came after she had laughed aloud like that.

'Lady f/n..! How could you betray me like this!' y/n immediately pulled her hands away and sat back upright beside Katarina.

Katarina hummed, 'That was sudden.'

She was blushing.

"There you were, Sister." Keith called before perking up noticing such an odd look on her face.

Katarina tried to cover her flustered look with a hand. It wasn't helping though.

Everyone stared in shock.

Were they suddenly bested?

By a big leap at that?

Y/n averted their gazes at all cost. She felt just as more flustered as Katarina.

[1] The Moshino Toy (Female!Reader x Katarina/MNLAAV:ARLTD fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now