65: Extirpated

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V/n looked over to the window, "Anything?"

"I've found two candidates, Master," the servant hopped inside the room kneeling on one knee, "One creates perfumes as a hobby and one buys perfumes outside the academy every weekend with her Father."

V/n hummed, thinking it through, saying, "The first one seems more promising than the second, keep an eye out on them, watch their every move and see to it if they try anything suspicious."

The servant nodded before leaving the room.

'Finally found a clue of his whereabouts, now just to pin him down as to where he really is.' v/n leaned back on her chair.


Y/n patted Katarina's back.

Katarina felt all better now.

Though it was late evening, she didn't eat dinner no matter what Anne did to make her do so.

"Why are you here?" Y/n asked.

"I don't know.." Katarina didn't know really, she just had the sudden urge to appear before her without warning to hug her.

"What do you mean you don't know?" Y/n asked.

"I just wanted to see you." Katarina hummed.

Y/n huffed, rolling her eyes and hearing that. It'd seem it'll be an early sleep tonight, "Let's go to sleep."

Katarina followed after her.


V/n picked up the call, "Good evening, Father."

'Why are you calling me in the middle of the night..!?' she perked up a smile for him.

L/n sighed, saying, "Your 'butler', told me that you're in one of the academies in Sorcier, thus may I ask why?"

V/n's smile disappeared, 'He still told him, huh.. it's not a wonder he's nicknamed the Lord's pet in the mansion by so many.'

She nodded, a look of dejection and irritation clear on her face, saying, "Yes, I did. I asked that he forge a secure identity of a student for me to infiltrate and find 'it'."

"Do you even hear yourself right now?" L/n scoffed, "Do you expect me to believe you're doing this for the sake of finding your long-lost brother and not trying to run away?"

"I could never think of running away, Father," v/n rested her face, on one hand, leaned by the desk, "How on earth could you possibly think that? And even if I did, I would've already walked out of your provided roof than do anything meticulous now."

L/n stared at her on the other end, even if his figure was black due to the darkness of the room around him, she could at least tell he was frowning with annoyance, looking ever so disappointed in her existence before an heir.

Suddenly, three knocks came from the window. She knew who that was, "My apologies, Father, but I'll have to cut the call short for now. I have other duties to attend to, good night."

She cut the call off without missing a beat from her excuse.

"Get in." She turned to the window that opened.

Her servant got in and knelt in respect for her, "Master, I've come to deliver a report on Lady y/n."

V/n huffed, "Speak."

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