Chapter 2

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They turned to see a girl with light brown hair pulled in a braided bun. She looked cheerful "Amelia." Vanitas says still with an stoic look, Amelia ran up and hugged Vanitas.

That shocked everyone well expect Dante and Johann. "I'm so glad I found you! You know if you don't go to our next class you'll get into trouble again." Amelia lectured Vanitas, he looked away.

Amelia finally noticed the group "Ah! Hello Dante and Johanns! Oh my Vanitas are you making new friends?" Amelia asked sweetly.

"Ha! Friends with them, never in a million years. And Amelia even if I don't go I'll make it up with my grades." Vanitas says as Dante and Johann tries not to laugh.

Noé and the others were trying to figure out how a girl like that is able to be like that with Vanitas. "Hey! Is that man making you stay with him? If he is then you can leave him and hangout with us." Noé tells Amelia with a smile.

Amelia looked confused, Dante and Johann burst out laughing "Hahahaha! The quack being friends with them! Haha yeah right!" Dante laughed "Hahaha I don't believe I can imagine them being friends! Hahaha!" Johann laughs too.

Vanitas looks grumpy like always, Amelia looks at Noé and his friends. "Vanitas isn't making me stay with him. I love being friends with him a lot. I owe Vanitas a lot too." Amelia says with a kind smile.

Vanitas kicked both Dante and Johann to shut them up. Louis slightly glared at Vanitas "Amelia was it. Look Noé is trying to help you and us as well. We don't want you to be around someone like that." Louis tells her.

Amelia clutched her fist as the others joined in to convince her expect Riche. Vanitas noticed Amelia fist, he grabbed her hand and pulled her. "Let's head to class before we're late." He told her.

That surprised everyone, Vanitas pulled her "Hey you quack! Don't forget about us!" Dante shouted "Yes please don't leave us behind!" Johann shouted and ran to Vanitas and Amelia. "Why? Your not in our next class or major." He told them.

They walked leaving them behind "That jerk had that poor girl fooled." Dominique says with venom in her tone. "I hate his guts so much!" Jeanne also says with venom in her tone.

"I think I fell in love with him all over again."

They turned to see the girl who was crying now has hearts in her eyes. "Don't you hate him for rejecting you like that?" Noé asked the girl but she was watching Vanitas from where she was standing.

The hearts were still there "I can never hate the Cold-Hearted Prince especially since I'm the Vice President. I must tell the club about his cold rejection!" The girl shouted as she ran happily.

The group looked so confused "There's a club for that guy. Girls must really have weird taste in guys these days." Louis says as Dominique and Jeanne nodded, Noé just stood there.

"We should head to class now." Noé tells them with his kind smile. "D'accord." "Oui." "Let's go." They all went to their next class, they hope to never run into Vanitas again.

But they want to know why Amelia owes Vanitas a lot. Did she borrow money from him or did he use something against her. They were curious about what she meant.

Even Vanitas, Dante, Amelia and Johann hoped they don't run into Noé and his group. Sadly they kept running into each other and it was making Vanitas pissed.

Few Days Later

It's been a few day now and they kept bumping into each other. It was late at night and Noé just walked out of the convenience store with a bag. "This should be good for me and Louis." Noé mumbles.

Noé noticed Vanitas sitting down on the ground across from the convenience store. He was looking up at the moon, he looked like he hasn't slept in days. Noé didn't like the guy but he couldn't leave him either.

So he went back inside the store "I think I heard the girls saying that he hated sweets. So I'll get him black coffee." Noé mumbles as he got a black coffee can for Vanitas, he paid for it.

Vanitas looked up at the night sky still 'I wish I could be like those stars. Being up in the sky must feel nice.' Vanitas thought to himself.

"Urgh. Great me and Amelia just had to get in that stupid argument." Vanitas mumbles rubbing his forehead. "Here." Vanitas looked up as a disgusted look appeared on his face. "Great now we're running into each other outside of school."

Noé just held out his hand with the black coffee can. Vanitas frowned but took the coffee and opened it "So why are you out here at night?" Noé asked Vanitas. "Tch. That's none of your business." Vanitas rudely tells him.

Vanitas took a sip of the coffee as he was remembering his argument with Amelia.


Vanitas was at the door "Vanitas where have you been?" Amelia asked Vanitas as he sighed "Nowhere in particular." He tells her.

Amelia moved aside for Vanitas "Usually I'll stay with Dante when I go out but Johann is over there." Vanitas tells Amelia as he sat down.

"I know it's been a long time since we lived together but don't you think it's about time-" Amelia was cut off "Shut Up!!" Vanitas shouted with so much anger. "I told you Amelia to never ask me about it or even mention them." Vanitas told her.

Amelia looked hurt "Vanitas! If you don't then how do you plan to live your life?! Are you always going to lock everything up!" Amelia shouted at him with anger.

Vanitas stood up glaring at her with his piercing light blue eyes. Usually Amelia would admire them but right now she was mad at him.

"I'll do as I please. I don't need anyone to tell me what to do with my life. I'll lock everything up if I want to. So don't you dare tell me what to do." Vanitas was cold and Amelia hated hearing him act so cold towards her.

She clutched her fist "Leave right now Vanitas." Amelia kicks Vanitas out as he walked towards the door "Gladly." With that Vanitas left their shared apartment.

End of Flashback

Vanitas finished the coffee without realizing it "So are you going to tell me what's bothering you?" Noé asked Vanitas. Vanitas looked at Noé with his piercing light blue eyes.

Noé eyes widen "Beautiful. Just like the blue moon..." Noé says without realizing his own mouth moved on its own.

To be continued

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