Chapter 21

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The Next Day

Noé was getting ready for school, he was also watching the news. "Breaking News! The criminal that has never been caught is back! Blue Moon has strike and killed a man named Damian Ford! The police were not able to find a single trace of the Blue Moon."

That caught Noé attention "The Blue Moon? I heard of him." Noé mumbles to himself as he was ready, Noé turned off the tv and left before locking his door.

Vanitas was smirking to himself as he was walking. He was hearing everyone talk about the criminal known as Blue Moon aka himself. He was very proud of himself that he made some money but Vanitas knows that Amelia and the others will call him.


Hearing his name being called Vanitas stopped and turned around. "Noé." Vanitas says his name in a bored tone. Noé smiled brightly at Vanitas "Good Morning." Noé greeted Vanitas.

Like always Vanitas looked grumpy "Yeah good morning." Vanitas grumpily says. They both walked onto school ground "Did you watch the news?" Noé decided to ask Vanitas.

Before Vanitas could answer a group of people were talking. "Did you guys see the news this morning?" A boy asked his friends. "Yeah I saw it, that famous criminal strikes again. It's kinda scary." A girl says with fear.

"It's scary that they haven't found anything about the Blue Moon." Another girl says as she too was scared. A boy scoffed "Why in the world would they call themselves the Blue Moon? I'm sure they know that to us the Blue Moon is a bad omen." A different guys says.

Both Noé and Vanitas glanced at each other then back at the group. "I heard it's because his eyes are like the blue moon." A girl says then the other one spoke "Ah! Like the Cold-Hearted Prince right?"

The boys looked at each other then back at the girls "Maybe we should just tell the cops to arrest him then." They laughed as the group walked in a different direction.

Vanitas started walking again "Wait Vanitas!" Noé says as he goes after him. "What Noé?" Vanitas didn't stop or look at Noé.

Noé grabbed Vanitas arm and pulled him closer "Tell me what's bothering you? Is it what they said?" Noé asked Vanitas. Suddenly Vanitas felt his heart beating very fast and his face felt warm.

"Nothings wrong. I don't care what those pest say about me." Vanitas tells Noé. Noé wanted to kiss Vanitas so bad, he slowly pulled him close. Vanitas blushed at this.

Suddenly Noé lips were getting closer and closer "H-Hey! W-What are you doing?!" Vanitas stuttered but Noé didn't say anything he just wanted to kiss Vanitas.

When Noé's lips were about to meet Vanitas, Vanitas stop the kiss by putting his hand over Noé mouth. "Don't!" Vanitas shouted shyly with a flustered face.

Noé was surprised 'Is he shy? Or is he just embarrassed?' Noé thought to himself as he looked into Vanitas eyes who is still blushing and covering Noé mouth with his hand. Instead of kissing Vanitas lips, Noé kissed Vanitas palm that was covering his mouth.

That of course made Vanitas blush even more from that, he looked away and moved his hand away. "Are you embarrassed of kissing and going out Vanitas?" Noé decided to ask Vanitas.

That surprised Vanitas, the smaller man looked at the taller "I kissed before but I never went out with anyone. I didn't see a point to go out with someone who doesn't accept all of you." Vanitas tell Noé.

Now that there surprised Noé "Who doesn't accept all of you?" Noé asked as he was confused about what Vanitas said. Vanitas sighed at how dumb Noé could be "Like how that group talked about my eyes. A lot of people don't like my eyes and expect me to wear color contacts for them but I can't. Color contacts don't work on me. I'm stuck with these eyes." Vanitas says looking up at the sky.

Noé looked at Vanitas sadly, he remembered hearing a girl talking to herself about Vanitas eyes and color contacts. There were a lot of people afraid of Vanitas eye colors.

"I like all of you including your eyes."

Vanitas turned his head fast to look at Noé "But why?" Vanitas asked Noé, the taller smiled at him "Because their beautiful. I don't care if they resemble the blue moon, I like them because there apart of you." Noé tells Vanitas.

That made Vanitas blush, Noé cupped the smaller cheeks "Non! I don't just like them I love them Vanitas." Noé says with a handsome smile making Vanitas blush more and making his heart beat so fast.

'What is wrong with me?! Why am I feeling this way?! What is this big idiot doing to me?!' Vanitas thought to himself.

Noé leaned down and pressed his lips against Vanitas. Vanitas eyes slightly widen as he was blushing madly from being kissed by Noé. Vanitas didn't know what to do, if he should hit Noé or what but even so Vanitas kissed Noé back.

The kiss was gentle and full of love, it was like Vanitas could feel all the emotions Noé has for him. All this made Vanitas legs feel weak as he melted into the kiss.

They pulled away from each other. Vanitas was gripping Noé shirt as he was blushing madly, Noé was blushing as well. "Did you not like it Vanitas?" Noé asked Vanitas how he felt about the kiss.

Vanitas didn't pull away "I-I didn't hate fact I r-really like it...maybe even love it..." Vanitas honestly tells Noé how he felt about the kiss.

This made Noé really happy, Vanitas still didn't look at him. Suddenly a phone was heard ringing making the two jump in surprise from it. It was Vanitas cellphone, he grabbed it out of his pocket and checked who it was. "It's Dante. I need to take this privately Noé. I'll see you later."

With that Vanitas walked off leaving Noé behind "Hello. What do you want baldy?" Vanitas asked Dante on the phone. "Don't you dare give me attitude! We just saw the news! Are you serious! Why would you do it without us there?!" Dante shouted from the other end.

Vanitas sighed "I got it out of nowhere and the person wanted it done that night." Vanitas tells him. He could hear Johann and Luca in the background along with Amelia.

"Just be careful if you get another request. Let us know and we'll help you from here." Dante tells Vanitas, that made him smile a little. "Awe you do care for me." Vanitas teased him.

On the other line Dante was blushing "Shut up! You stupid quack! We need to go now but make sure to tell us if you get another job." Dante says as Vanitas nodded "I'll make sure this time baldy."

Before Dante could say anything else Vanitas hung up smiling to himself. "If they heard from whatever country they are in then I wonder how all of them are reacting~" Vanitas hums now.

To be continued

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