Chapter 33

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Vanitas only got a few things, after paying he left the shop. He was walking alone now just lost in his thoughts. Brother? This made Vanitas irritated right now.

Hearing that now was only going to make Vanitas pissed off right now. "I don't feel like talking to you Mikhail." Vanitas tells the voice of his adoptive little brother that's in his head.

The voice didn't say anything else. Vanitas hurried home so he doesn't run into Noé at all, he did come to a stop in front of the convenient store.

"This is the store that me and Noé actually had a conversation and he said something dumb..." Vanitas says looking at the pole he stood when him and Amelia got into an argument.

"Beautiful. Just like the blue moon..."

Vanitas remembered what Noé said to him about his eyes. Now Vanitas eyes were filled with sadness and he didn't know how to handle it at all. He wasn't good dealing with emotions especially his own.

But every single time that he thinks about Noé his heart pounds so fast and feels all these emotions that he hates so much.

He shook his head "I don't need these feeling. I already submitted my part of that assignment hopefully Noé has too." Vanitas says as he shook his thoughts away. "Let's just forget these feelings." Vanitas says.

Yes Vanitas finished the assignment with stuff he knew about Noé. He already turned it in and hopes that Noé turned it in as well. Vanitas really didn't want to get a failing grade but he also doesn't care at the same time if he fails.

Vanitas was waiting for the cross walk to turn green. Noé was walking by carrying some bags, he was lost in thought about all kinds of things and they end up with Vanitas in them.

Noé really loved Vanitas, he loved him more then Louis. If Noé only talked to Vanitas then they wouldn't have broken up and they would still be together. Noé missed Vanitas so much.

"I had enough of you Vanitas!!!"

That caught Noé attention and the crowd of people that were still walking at night. Noé saw Vanitas on the other side as he saw him turn his body to see who yelled. Before Vanitas could say anything he was pushed into the road. His eyes widen as he lost his balance.

Vanitas reached out his hand but sadly a truck was driving and didn't have time to stop, it ended up hitting Vanitas "NO! VANITAS!" Noé screamed out loud as he ran towards the unconscious and bleeding body on the ground. "THAT BOY GOT PUSHED INTO THE STREET!!!" Bystanders were yelling.

"VANITAS!!!!" More screams were heard as they were Amelia, Dante and Johann even Dominique, Jeanne, Luca and Riche screamed out his name. "CALL THE AMBULANCE RIGHT NOW!!!"

Bystanders yelled and the driver of the truck ran out to check on the boy. "Oh no! What have I done!" The driver was in tears and his knees.

Dante and Johann pinned down the one responsible for pushing Vanitas into the road. They now looked as Noé and the others eyes widen "...Louis..." Dominique and Noé both said at the same time.

Louis was struggling "Let me go!! He deserved to get hit by the car!!" Louis shouted and that made Dante, Johann and Amelia snapped. The kind and gentle Amelia stomped her way toward him with anger.

"Your the one that deserves to be on the ground bleeding not Vani!!" Amelia yelled with anger "It's not our fault if you also end up on the floor!!" Dante yelled too as Johann nodded "You bastard! You deserve to go to jail and die!!"

The ambulance arrived and immediately took Vanitas into the car. "We need to get him to the hospital and fast!" One of the paramedics says as the others nodded.

The police also came and took Louis, Dominique didn't even try to stop the police. For the first time she didn't want to help or be near her older twin brother. Dominique took out her cellphone and pressed on a certain contact name.

After a few rings they answered "Grandfather, Louis was just arrested for pushing someone into a road and now that person is seriously injured." Dominique tells her grandfather.

She heard a sighed from the other end "Why in the world would he do such a thing? I'll be down there tomorrow and visit him." Her grandfather (also Noé teacher) says.

"Yes grandfather."

Jeanne and Luca saw the ambulance gone and the police was also gone who took Louis away. They even took the truck driver away just to ask him questions, he wasn't in trouble since on lookers told them that it was Louis fault.

Jeanne, Dominique, Luca, Riche even Dante, Johann and Amelia saw Noé on his knees with widen eyes. 'I couldn'' Noé thought to himself.

Noé clothes had Vanitas blood on them but he didn't care. All he cares is for Vanitas to survive from this accident. Amelia spoke up "We're going to the hospital now if you all want to join us."

This surprised both Dante and Johann at first but then they nodded. "Yeah. If Amelia says you can then you can. I won't say anything even though Prince Charming will just end up coming." Dante says looking away.

Johann nodded but no smile "You were worried about Vanitas too. So if you would like to come then you can, we should go now and see what's his condition like." Johann told them.

Luca nodded at them "We will meet you over there once we get Noé out of his shock." Luca told Johann as he nodded. Him, Dante and Amelia immediately left to go to the hospital, they needed to hurry.

The four ran towards Noé "Mon Cheri please snap out of it! We can go and see how that-I mean Vanitas is doing." Dominique stopped herself from insulting Vanitas.

Tears streamed down Noé cheeks as the group eyes sadden. "I-I couldn't save Vanitas...I just watched him...get hit..." Noé says in tears. It sadden his friends a lot to see Noé like that.

To be continued

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