Meeting the explanation

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I have the best fans ever, thank you so much for your response to the last chapter and the hugs, I really appriciated them. This fast update is both an apology for the late ones and a thank you to all my fans. The next chapter will be more explanation revolving around the actuall plot of the book, but I hope this chapter is still interesting to read, let me know if you have any questions you want answered

Onw of the stories I've started following more recently is written by KatRuby and I find that it really sticks out from the crowd of simmilar stories and I definately recomend reading it

Drop Dead Gorgeous by KatRuby

The heavy droplets of rain were slowly slipping down the hood of his leather jacket and a few effortlessly kissed his dark chocolate hair. »H…Hi.« I sputtered. »What do you have there?« He walked closer to me and gazzed into my eyes with his dark ones, that perfectly matched his hair, then lowered his sight towards the kitten, hidden under my jacket. »One lil' kitty found another.« He smirked, amused by his own joke.


“Hi honey! Just wanted to call and see how you were doing and tell you that we have had the most amazing couple of days, we went to the Vatican and saw these amazing buildings and in one of them…”  

“That’s great mom, I can’t really talk right now I’m in the middle of something. But you can call me tomorrow ok?  Love you mom bye” 

“No wait! I wanted to tell you to keep an eye on Lucifer and make sure he doesn’t throw any parties or the likes, you know how he can be” My moms’ voice had now been lowered to a loud whisper.

“ok sure… Hey! Why do I have to keep an eye on him, he’s my babysitter?” I heard a snort coming from behind me.

“Honey, you’re 17. You don’t need a babysitter, but we didn’t feel safe leaving you in that house all alone for to weeks. I thought you knew that, you didn’t actually think we paid him to cook you meals and make sure you didn’t stay up past your bedtime did you? I thought you were smarter than that.” Now her voice sounded exasperated and I felt myself blushing in embarrassment.

“What no, of course  I knew that, I’m not an idiot.  But I really have to go now, say hi to everyone for me. Love you. Bye!” I quickly hung up the phone and turned to face Luci who had somehow managed to find a pair of pants and was just putting them on.

“You have a butt load of explaining to do mister!”

“Sure can we sit down in the kitchen during this conversation” He didn’t sound at all nervous or  even inconvenienced , which just riled me up even more.

We sat down facing each other over the dining table. I crossed my arms over my chest trying to show that I meant business whereas he casually tipped the chair back to balance on its two hind legs and looked at me expectantly.

“Okay. Start”

“Where?” his questioning tone and the way he drew out the word stood in stark contrast to my short clipped word

“Oh I don’t know the beginning maybe” Even I was surprised at how much sarcasm I could fill into the words

“Well, there are different theories, there’s the  Adam and Eve version, the one with Uranus and his mom , then there is the one where all the spirits gave birth to a single daughter, also known as mother nature and  of course the big bang theory, just to name a few, which one do you want to hear?”

At my muttered curse he continued.

“Ok look I’m sorry, but I honestly don’t know what to say. How about if you ask me questions and I’ll try to answer them to the best of my ability”

“Are you Snow?”


“Why were you sick?”

“The canine body can’t handle chocolate”

“Then why did you eat it?” Of course I probably wouldn’t listen either if someone told me I couldn’t have any chocolate.

“The human body has no problem with it, but it’s like a rule you learn when you’re a kid; don’t go swimming after eating. But we had; don’t shift for a few hours after eating chocolate. But when we pulled up at the house I noticed people following us and I didn’t think it would hit my system that fast and then you locked us into the bathroom and I didn’t want to shift in front of you. I, however, didn’t have a choice when they broke into the house”

“Ok, I’ll get to those guys later, but first; you’re a Were… canine?”

“My mom is but not my dad, however it’s a dominant gene, so yeah”

“But that’s insane, I’m an atheist, I don’t believe in magic” This was ridiculous, stuff like that didn’t exist

“Neither do I” he said with a shrug.

“But you have to. You’re a freaking werewolf… Canine… thingy” He couldn’t not believe, that would be like a ghost not believing in the afterlife.

“This seems magical to you because it’s new, I’m raised with this. So to me this is absolutely ordinary. I mean, if you think about it animals are amazing. Take the human body for example;  the way we see and hear things are remarkable, not to mention how are bodies function, all those cells and nerves and organs working together is mind-blowing.  But science, logic and evolution can explain it, the same goes for me turning into another creature, it’s a pretty neat trick. But it’s not magic.”

It was too much to take in at once and since I needed to continue with this investigation, I stored his explanation away and made myself focus on my next question.

“So, do you have other ‘powers’ or do you just turn into a big dog-wolf-thingy”

“I suppose we only have one power, or an unlimited number of powers, depending on how you look at it. Being what I am is both genetic or transmittable and what it does is basically give you more control, or the possibility to have more control.  The average human uses a very small part of her brain, this... condition, makes it possible to, with practice, use bigger parts.  For examples there have been instances where grandmothers have lifted trees or cars of their grandkids, that’s because of an adrenaline rush. Our kind is generally no stronger than the average humans, but we can force our bodies to suddenly release large amounts of adrenaline to make us stronger and faster.  Our we can slow our hears down so we can run on less oxygen. Teaching our minds how to control our bodies is difficult and takes a lot of practice, but we also have to learn how to do it. For example I can’t just wish to stop aging, I have to learn what causes aging and prevent that.   Actually that was a bad example because  don’t know how to prevent aging I haven’t bothered to learn.  Let’s take healing instead.  If I cut myself, it will heal just the same way as if you would’ve cut yourself. The blood vessels tighten to reduce the blood flow and then a type of blood cells called Platelets show up to clog the blood and so forth, it’s a long complicated process and I have to learn it step by step and then teach my brain how to control all the different enzymes and blood cells and vessels and then actually force those…things to move faster.  It’s a pretty tiresome process, so I just normally let stuff heal on their own. Actually shifting is one of the hardest things to do because you have to focus on so many things“

That sounded so completely different from anything I’d heard about Weres before.

“So if you don’t actively work on it you’d be…normal?”

“Pretty much yeah, there are a lot of Werecanines that think they’re completely human. And there are an even bigger number that just focus on learning a few specific things, because the amount of stuff you can force your body to do is ridiculous. There are rumors about really ancient weres that can turn into any thing they want to because they have complete control over every atom of their body.”

“So you guys are generally really good at biology” The conversation had gotten a bit to serious and I was trying to lighten the mood.

"We're awesome at biology" he said with a laugh.

"Sooo.... About those guys" 

"That’s a long story" This was the first time he sounded remotely uncomfortable during this entire conversation.

“It’s only five in the afternoon, and we have all night”

My babysitter LuciferWhere stories live. Discover now