Meeting holy fudge

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I walked up the stairs considering Lucis' words. He couldn't be serious could he, it was probably just an attempt to riel me, and it had worked.

On the creamc oloured wall to left of the stairs hung a mirror, I shot a quick glance at it with every intention to keep walking by it and into my room when what I had seen made me look again.

Not only where my lips swollen and red, but the area around them was slightly pink as well, as if someone had been trying to suck them off. My hair was all messed up, well it was always messed up but now it was obvious someone had been running their hand though it. And my neck, on the left side of my neck there was a slight bruise forming. It looked just like a love bite.
All in all I had the appearance of a very roughly and passionately kissed woman.

Now that I knew Jessie's intention with the entire lip-rubbing-hair-mussing-neck-pinching thing I was both amused annoyed and slightly sad.

Amused because, well it was hilarious and Luci had obviously reacted, not much but I remembered the glare. I was also annoyed because Luci would probably tell my brother and he would tease me for it forever. But the emotion that confounded me the most was the sadness, I didn't know if it was sadness or disappointment, disappointment because he hadn't kissed me? I wasn't sure.
I didn't have those feelings for Jessie but I was slightly wounded that he hadn't kissed me, it felt as if he would have done it if it was Jackie or Nakeo. And at the same time I was pissed at my self for being so needy and desperate.

I pushed these feelings away as i walked to my room, from the stairs to the end of the left side of the hallway where two bedrooms and a small "living room" connecting them.
My brothers' room came first and as I walked by I saw a big open backpack on the floor. Spilling out of the bag was Lucis MMA shorts. They where a greyish-turquoise colour matching his eyes almost perfectly.
I knew Nico had wanted to join the club that Luci and Damien fought for, but he hadn't been allowed in for some reason and he had been moping around the house for days, that was all before he got to know Luci and as soon as he did he forgot all about joining them, which to me seemed kind of odd, but every time I asked him about it he just changed the topic.

When i was in my room i locked the door and sat down on my bed that was located in the left corner of the room. My room looked like it always looked, messy. The desk on the opposite side of the room from the bed was covered in clothes, paper, books, movies and a coupl of empty glasses, The floor was, as far as I could see, covered in my blanket, two or three pillows and a bunch of clothes, although the chances that something else was under the pile of fabric was high.
Now I don't want you to think that I never clean my room, in fact I cleaned it just yesterday, but it looked like this half an hour later.

I was just about to look for my computer in the mess on the floor when my phone rang, it was Jackie.
"Hi! You have to meet us in town. I can't decide what to buy I saw these two greats shirts in from odd molly and another great dress in H&M. Ohh! And speaking of H&M you'll never guess who Nakeo spotted in there, you know the girl from..." Jackie, Nakeo had gone to do some shopping and since Damien was like Jackies shadow he'd followed. I on the other hand had decided to go home to make sure Luci hadn't destroyed my house and Jessie had chose to follow me.

" Wait, wasn't Jessie supposed to meet you?" I was pretty sure this was the same reason she had called Jesse 15 minutes ago.

" Well yeah but Rise against were signing stuff and he decided to go see them instead and Nakeos mom called and she had to go home so it's just me and Damie, and he doesn't like any of the things I choose and"

" Why don't you just get all three?" I was way to lazy to take the buss to town and I didn't want to ask Luci for a ride.

"I'll totally do that! Thanks. Bye" She hung up before I had time to answer

For the next couple of hours I did my homework, did some reading and was on facebook for a while before I went downstairs to watch a movie only to find Luci already sitting on the couch and watching what looked to be a porno.

" What is that?" I asked Luci was half sitting half laying down on the couch wearing a white wife beater and gray sweatpants.

" A woman getting fucked from behind by a man in a mask" He sounded bored and I was just about to chastise him for watching that in the living room when the scene changed and showed familiar characters.

"Oh you're watching Spartacus" I said both relived and embarrassed as I sat down next to him

"Yupp" We watched the rest of the movie in a loaded but comfortable silence.
I knew Luci was big but not quite how big. I had a lot of time to look at him while he was watching the movie, quickly looking away when he gazed in my direction of course, and I noticed that his sholders where huge, not just broad but also thick, the same could be said for the rest of his body, think Jason momoa big. Actually he was a bit bigger than Jason but it looked good on him.

When the movie ended I yawned and stretched arching my back when I suddenly noticed Luci staring at my breast with a smirk. I looked down to se that my top had ridden down exposing the tops of my black bra, I was just bout to reach down to pull them up when Luci beat me to it. His finger hooked inside the top so the back of his finger was touching my bra and the he pulled the top up, but he didn't remove his finger.
It was softly stroking the curve of my breast above my bra, I could feel my panties flooding.

" you should be careful about what you let people see" his voice was low and husky. I had a feeling he was looking at my face but i couldn't tear my eyes of his hand hooked inside my shirt.

"Especially guys. We have a twisted imagination, and you never know what they might be thinking." He suddenly leaned down and pressed a soft kiss to the top of my breast above the bra. 
"we might want to grab on to them and push them together while we drive our cock between them, I might want to suck on them so hard you'll bruise or see how much of them I could fit into my mouth. And you wouldn't want people to be thinking about that now would you?" I let out a soft whimper at tha though of him doing those things to me.

Somewhere in the back of my mind I was aware that I probably should tell him to stop, but I didn't want to, and I knew this was probably nothing to him, he had girls left and right and was probably messing with me but I didn't care.
It felt good, so good and I didn't want him to stop I wanted to reach out and touch him; his blonde, almost white hair, his face, his shoulders, his body and his cock, which when hard and pressing against his sweatpants made me realise was just as big as the rest of his body.

However I didn't dare to move, afraid he would stop. I wanted him to go further down, to cup my breast and squeeze, but he didn't. Instead he went up, he lightly stroked my collarbone and then crabbed hold of my neck and squeezed lightly, just enough to show his dominance and to make it slightly harder to breath, although to be honest that was probably because of the feelings he stirred in me and not because his hold was to hard. Still I knew I should be terrified, but I wasn't.

He added some pressure making me tilt my neck, and then he froze. I knew he was looking at the bruise Jessie had left, and for a second I considered explaining, but then I changed my mind. It wasn't any of his business.
And then before I had time to blink he'd pushed me back so I was lying on the couch with him towering over me. Then his mouth was on my neck and sucking. Hard.
It felt so good and I though I might actually have an orgasm when his other hand went to my breast. His mouth was now alternating between roughly sucking and genly licking my neck. His hand keept the steady pressure on my breast even when he groand out against my neck. I heard quiet whimpers and was suprised when i realized they where comming from me. I was normally not a vocal person when cumming.
I reached up and ran one of my hands though his hair while the other was diging into his as causing him to grind against me.
And then he was suddenly gone, I opened my eyes in time to see his back walking out the door and after a few seconds I heard the frontdoor slam


I don't really like the though of holding my storie hostage in exchange for votes and comments but I would like to no people other than myself are liking it. That being said, THank you SO much those of you who have commented, voted and fanned, it means the world to me :)

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