Meeting the name

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You know the drill- I'm soory for the late update. I could promise to be better at updating sooner but I don't like breaking promises so I wont do that and just say thata I'll do my best to not keep you waiting for this long again.  On a happier note you get to find out the story about Lucis name, there is some other important imformation in there aswell.

Also no offend to anyone named Albert or Albertina.

 Lucis car was... a car, A normal five seat , gray car. It didn't look to old but it wasn't brand new either.
 It felt really odd because in my head Luci's always been  the type of person that would have had a big, buff, shiny, new muscle car. Although considering he didn't have a stead employment it was reasonable that he wouldn't have the fanciest car.

Id never been to their gym before so I didn't know how far away it was but we had been in the car for about five minutes and neither of us had jet spoken a word. He had, however been looking at me allot since we got into the car and had open his mouth several times as in too speak. 
I wished he'd turned the radio on because for some reason the silence was so incredibly awkward I was debating opening the car door and jumping out just to get away. An easier solution would obviously be to just turn the radio on, but I had no idea how  there was a bunch of buttons and if I hit the wrong one it would make things so much more embarrassing. Why wouldn't there just be a big fat button next to the radio that said ON/OFF, and why where there so many buttons at all? I mean who actually uses all the buttons in an car, and if you really need like a thousand buttons  why couldn't they be clearly marked so you'd know what they were for. I was interrupted from my internal rant by Luci.

"About last night... I'm sorry. I over reacted but it's just that I don't  like people going through my stuff  and the book is very special to me" he rushed to explain after the initial apology, his eyes quickly moving from me to the road trying to gauge my reaction. 

" It's fine, I'll admit I was kinda snooping trying to find out more" I admitted glad that the silence was broken and that we were back on speaking terms.

"About weres?" he asked skeptically.

"No. About you." I murmured barely audibly, a blush rising in my cheeks as I turned away and looked out the window. 

that sounded allot more intimate than it was. I hadn't thought about trying to find out more about him when I'd gone through the book, I hand't even realised that that had been my intention until I'd passed my brothers room, the room he was currently staying in, this morning. I'd had the strongest urge to go inside and just... look around. I'd always been slightly intrigued bu Luci but during the past couple of days it had gotten so much stronger and after he told me about the werewolves it was this massive obsession, or maybe addiction was a better word, that demanded that I would find out everything there was to know about him. it was... disconcerting.

"You could just ask" He said sounding amused 

I'd barely had  time to process his answerer before I heard my mouth forming the words "your name"

He was silent for awhile as if mulling over his response before answering.

"My mother got pregnant when she was 17 by one of her friends. They weren't best friends or anything romantic but they'd hung out occasionally. My grandparents were, or

are, very religious so when mom got pregnant she was to scared to tell them until it was to late for an abortion. But they lived in a form of sect or cult and that cult had it's own doctor who would have done the procedure  for her but by that time she was 7 months pregnant and didn't want to kill me, something I am very grateful for by the way" he said chuckling. Even though he didn't say anything you could hear the love he had for his mom and the dislike for his grandparents.

" When she refused the kicked her out and she stayed with another family of the pa- cult until I was born, she originally named me ... Albert"

When a snort escaped me he turned around an glared at me until i apologized and motioned for him to continue

"Anyways... by this point my grandparents had came up with the brilliant idea for my mom  to maae-rry my dad. He was fine with it, understandably not too excited, but he was willing to commit to her but she refused. My grandparents didn't really have allot of power in the community but they pulled  some strings and got her kicked out.
This may not  sound  like a big deal  but she had been raised inside the cult and rarely been outside it, so to spite her parents she re-named me Lucifer. She's offered to let me change it but I declined"

"I would to if the choice was Albert" I said laughing

"Hey!" He said in a mock offended voice "What if I like the name Albert, what if my sisters name is Albertina!?"

"what!? you're saying that a girls name can't be Albert? You should be ashamed of your self! ... Sexist pig" I muttered the last part but made sure he could hear it
He just chuckled. 

"Hey Luci?" He just mm-med a reply 

" Could you explain about the sect, or cult or whatever. I mean how does it work, I've never met anyone with a connection to one" 
 He just looked at me before saying  " we're here and I'm late"  

I hadn't realized that  he had droven into a parking lot. He quickly parked the car and got out of it and stormed over to a door a couple of metres away  and went in slamming it behind him


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