My babysitter Lucifer

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I didn't try to sneak past my parents, which with my height at 1,62 m would have been quite easy. But I wasn't really worried, which in retrospect I totally should have been, but how was I supposed to know that this time the consequences of getting in to a fight and a call home from the principal was much worse than the other thousand times it had happened.

As soon as I entered and loudly proclaimed that I was home I was called in to the kitchen by my mother yelling.
- Dakota!

And yes, I am well aware of the fact that my name is a last name, and that fact shall never be mentioned again, or I will find you and… -I was gonna say kick your ass but that just sound unoriginal, so I'm not going to say anything at all.
Mom, who was also short, just 5 cm taller than me, was dwarfed by my fathers large frame.
He and my brother both were more than 20 cm taller than me.
After I got into the kitchen the normal routine began.
They said that they got a call home about me getting in to a fight, as usual I tried to make them understand that it wasn't my fault (which never worked btw), they ranted about how fighting was bad and that violence never solved anything for five minutes.
And then came the punishment, the normal punishment would be that I was to go to my room without dinner or be grounded or something equally lame. But the next words out of my mothers mouth was

"We talked to the airline and got your ticket refunded, you're not coming with us to Rome, maybe staying home while we're of having fun will get you to think about you're actions." She looked exremly proud of herself for comming up with that sulotion 

"So you're saying that I'm going to stay here, alone, while the three of you are in Rome for two weeks."

I replied and tried my best not to jump around in happiness, why you might wonder, well my parents had made plans to go out and explore, which men hours upon hours of walking.
This was not a concern to my very athletic family, however as the only sane person in this family I realised that exercise was something very evil, you might even say that it came from the devil, if he existed, which isn't very likely. I also had no desire to visit the Vatican, because as those of you with a few extra IQ points can guess by now, I'm an atheist.

- Well we were going to send you to your aunt Sophie's house but she's going down to Florida with a couple of friends, so we thought that since you're sixteen you could handle staying home on your own. But then Nico (that's my brother) expressed his concern for you and he said that his friend Lucifer could babysit.

- And for a very low cost I might add, my father said from his new found position by the refrigerator.

"Lucifer is coming!? are you kidding me?", this was ridiculous I was ten times as mature and responsible as my brother and his moron friend. And yes there is a story behind that name but I don't know it.

"Lower your voice young lady, and yes he is coming next week when we leave" my dad said.

"Fine! I yelled as I stormed upstairs to find my brother so that I could kick his ass."

That's just great I'm stuck with an close to two metre tall, around 90 kg hormonal teenage muscle mountain, who had the IQ of a rock, for the next two weeks.
It didn't really matter that he was sinfully sexy with his short light blond hair and green eyes, and that almost every girl on the planet wanted to get into his pants, including me for a while when I was younger

This is my first story, and as english isn't my first language there is probably going to be some mistakes, but I hope it's readble :p 
Please vote, fan comment, like and I will be jumping up and down with joy, not that you'll see it but still :P  Also for those of you who migh have gotten your hopes up- Lucifer isn't actually the devil ;)

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