Meeting the possible pregnancy

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Ellu, I'm sorry for the late and Kinda boring chapter, but in the next one you will find out what and who Luci is. Or Dakota will, I'm sure most of you have figured it out already so it wont come as a huge shock.

Also thanks to my awesome editor Anehalia who made this chapter so much better.
you should also check out her awesome story;

Whisper A Wish, My Hawk.
Amanda is a Hawk Supporter, and she dreams of the day a Hawk will pick her to become a rider. Then a day comes when everything she knows is torn away, and she finds herself elsewhere. Now her life is much more complicated. This story has magic, large Hawks, a litte bit of romance, and a fair amount of action.

"I think I'm pregnant."

 Jackie and I had just walked out of the gym when she turned around and blurted it out.

"What!? How? When? Are you going to keep it? And why the fuck didn't you use the morning after pill! Because for my mental sanity I am going to assume that you did use a condom,"   I was talking so fast I wasn't sure she would be able to make out what I said. But I was forgetting it was Jackie I was talking to. 

She was pacing in front of me looking understandibly  panicky while I was just mostly pissed that she probably hadn't used a condom. 

"That's just the thing; I don't know. It was a couple of weeks ago at a party, I had so much to drink, the entire night is gone. I woke up with Damien but the thought that we'd had sex never crossed my mind, and even if it did I've been on birth control for two years to regulate my period," The desperation in her voice was increasing with every word, and by the end of her mini speech she sounded as if she was about to start crying.

"But if you're on the pill and sure you haven't had sex, then why do you think you are pregnant?"

She stopped her pacing and turned to look at me. "I'm two weeks late!!" she wailed.

  I was about to reply when she continued, "I've been throwing up randomly for the past week, I suddenly get dizzy spells, and my body feels...Itchy. Not to mention I'm eating like crazy."

"Are all of those symptoms for being pregnant?"  I only knew about the first two ones she'd mentioned so I was curious.

"How would I know!? Does it look like I've been pregnant before!!" She took two steps closer to me, so she was right in my face screaming

I brought my hands up in the universal sign of 'I surrender' before I placed them on her shoulders, and gently pushed her away.

"Have you done any tests?" I kept my voice calm and controlled to try and keep her from becoming excited again, while at the same time trying to handle my own confuse as to what was going on

"No," she whispered, but she must have seen the questioning look on my face because she continued, "Damien has noticed that I'm worried about something, and he won't let me out of his sight."

"Thats kinda... disturbing"  I said in reference to the fact that Damien doesn't let her out of his sight. I mean, that can't be healthy. 

"No it's not. We're always together normally, but now that he knows something is wrong he's constantly watching me," she rushed to explain. I raised my eyebrows critically, and  she rolled her eyes, "I'm sure he'd give me some space if I asked for it, but I like having him around."

With a sigh I relented, I still thought it was kinda stalkerish, but to each his own I suppose.

"Alright. I'll get you some pregnancy tests today and we can do it tomorrow during lunch break," I was trying to take her seriously, but weren’t the pills supposed to stop pregnancy? 

She took a couple of deep breaths seemingly calming down, but she continued her pacing.

I let her pace for about a minute, looking deep in thought, before I interrupted her.  

"Do you... I mean have you decided what you're gonna do if..." I trailed of before I could finish the sentence. She still understood me perfectly.

"I can't keep it! I have school and… and stuff!! I'm not ready to be a mom. I don't want to be a mom, not yet, maybe not ever. And Damien, oh god Damien! He can't find out, nobody can find out. My parents are gonna kill me." Her voice started of strong but by the end she sounded as if she couldn't breathe and on the last couple of words she started sobbing.

I hugged her for a couple of minutes comforting her until she calmed down,"Look, we'll do the test tomorrow and if it's positive I'll schedule an appointment with a doctor so you can get an abortion, Nobody has to know and we'll never talk about it again," she was about to respond, but the doors a couple of meters behind us opened and a group of people walked out, among them Damien and Luci. 

"Shit, I'm gonna head over to the car and straighten out so he doesn't see I've been crying, bye," she quickly gave me a hug and a kiss on the cheek before rushing away to the other side of the parking lot.

I saw Luci walking towards me, while I was waiting for him to reach me I was wondering how I would hide the pregnancy tests, that I plan on bying on the way home, from Luci.

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