Meeting the opera singer

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-The original draft was edited by anehalia at fictionpress. but then I went and made abunch of changes to it so it's kinda half edited-

When I woke up Snow was gone, which wasn't really a surprise, he was like Houdini that way.

As I was headed downstairs to get something to eat, I noticed two things.
The first thing was banging coming from behind the locked door of Nicos room. And moans. Female moans.

That hurt, it really did. I'm not going to go all drama queen on your ass and say that it felt like my heart stopped or that I thought I was going to cry, cause it didn't, my feelings for him just weren't that strong yet, and hopefully never would be. But it still hurt.
It wasn't a sharp or hard kind of pain, it was more of a throbbing, but it was consistent. And if I had to take a guess I'd say the pain would stick around for a while.

Then I was annoyed at myself because I had decided that my feelings last night were a fluke brought on by my horniness and general teenage hormones. Am I convincing you? Yeah, didn't think so, I wasn't convincing myself either. But hey, I'm stubborn.

"Oh my gaawd, Lucifeer, babyyyyy!"

That was a scream, a seriously high pitched scream.
And yes, this was painful but it didn't stop me from letting out a sound that was between a snort and a giggle.
I mean, she screamed. The loudness of the sound was fine, I guess a lot of people are screamers, but the pitch of her voice was ridiculous, it sounded like she was trying to sing opera, specially at the last word. I felt a very comforting sadistic form of satisfaction when I considered what that scream would have done to Luci's ears.

The second thing I noticed was when I caught my reflection in the mirror next to the stairs.
The small bruise that Jesse had left was a huge hickey; it was as thick as three of my fingers.
It was ugly, hideous, and made me look like a Dalmatian.

But I couldn't deny the odd and unexplainable sense of comfort when I looked at it, Not to mention the tingling sensation between my legs and the chills going down my spine.

The banging receded and started again while I was eating cereal and when the opera singers screams started to get louder and higher I decided that I didn't want Luci to see me because I wasn't sure if I could be able to hide the fact that I cared And under no circumstances did I want him to know that I cared.

I decided to go to Jesse's, house; it was only 15 minutes by buss, never mind the ten minutes it took to actually get to the buss stop.
I decided that the sweat pants and baggy t-shirt I was wearing would do and quickly grabbed my Iphone before I slammed the door.

I reopened it a second later and grabbed a scarf.

Jesse's mom opened the door; she was a round loving women in her early fifties, her name was khale Shore, or mrs Jaghodi, but I called her Khale Shore, I'd been calling her that for close to a year before Jesse told me that her name was just Shore and that Khale meant aunt, so now I just call her Khale. Oh and btw, her cooking was to die for, especially the rice.

Jesse was playing a video game when I went in to his room, which was spotless, because on Saturday nobody did anything in Khale's house until every room was clean, all the dry laundry folded, and all the dishes washed and put away.
Of course, the house was cleaned on weekdays as well but then Khale did most of the work so on weekends she didn't touch a thing, that work was left too Jesse, his sister and his dad.
But his sister, being a hardcore feminist, would say something about female oppression and them making her do all the work so she normally got away with only cleaning her room.

Since he was busy he didn't notice me until I smacked the back of his head.

"Hey, that hurt!" He said pausing in his game and rubbing the back of his head as I sat down on his bed.

"You, know what else hurts? You giving me a bruise that looks like a hickey!" I said glaring at him

"Mwhaha, did he freak, I knew he would freak. What did he do? Send you to bed without dinner? Yell at you? Or both?" Jessie said, he looked like a kid on Christmas.

"First of all" I said pulling the scarf away and showing him my neck.

"Holy shit."

"Second of all how did you know he would freak?"

" Oh that" Jessie was talking with me while spinning on his chair, probably making himself dizzy

"I knew because he almost twisted my arm of when I said we were going to have sex"

"You said we had sex!"

"Well I said anal sex if you're going to be picky" Jessie was still twirling his chair.

"Wait, so, you just went up to him and said we were going to have anal sex?" What the actual hell, who does that, I mean Luci would totally get he wasn't being serious, he'd only make himself look like an idiot.

"No, I'm not an idiot. I asked him if he had lube he asked why I said the place I was going didn't lubricate itself; only with a more suggestive tone and a nod upstairs towards your room, then he freaked"

"Ohh," that sounds more like Jesse. We looked at each other for a couple of seconds before Jessie said

"So... do you want to know something funny?"

"sure" I said laying down on his bed and staring at the sealing

"My dad is pissed at my sister because of the hijab thing"

" What hijab thing?" I asked confused, his family was Muslim but none of them really followed the rules.

"I didn't tell you- well a week ago Jasmin started wearing the hijab, but every time my dad and her go ouy of the house together people are glaring daggers at him thinking he makes her wear it. So he has been telling her to take it of, but Jasmin is just getting more and more determent to wear it. The way they ignore each other at the dinner table is kinda funny actually"

I could totally see that happening, although I was kinda confused with why she would want to wear a hijab, she had never really been religious  before but i spose I'll have to ask her.

"Ohh you wanna know something else funny"

" hit me"

"Right, my family is from Iran but my dad has some relatives in Palestine and they're comming for a visit next month"

" So I don't get the big deal" I said confused.

"Wait for it" Jesse said with a big grin

" My mom, who's also from Iran, has some distant relatives in Israel and they're also coming for a visit, at the same time. well not excactly, but their visits overlap for three days

I burst out laughing, that should be interesting.

After a while of joking and me telling him more detailed what had happened with Luci he asked if we should watch a movie. 

"Put on Mulan and I'll text the everyone else." We started watching the movie and where about halfway through before Nakeo came with chips and coke so we had to watch it from the beginning.

This time, we got about twenty minutes into the movie before Damien and Jackie showed up, they brought a bag filled with different types of candy and a bucket of chocolate ice-cream. When the movie was finished they made me watch a horror movie.

I've seen three horror movies my entire life, the worst one was The Ring. I was afraid to go to sleep for months after that. even though everyone seems to think that it's not that scary.

We watched insidious, well they watched, I borrowed under the quilt and put my fingers in my ears. Although I still managed to see some scary parts.

I also saw Jackie bury her head in Damiens chest so she didn't see the movie. I'm pretty sure Damien was looking at her during the entire movie. They were one of those couples you knew where going to end up together, you just didn't know when.

When the movie was over we sat and talked for a while before Jackie said that we had to go get ready if we wanted to be in time for the party. We decided that Nakeo and Jackie would bring their stuff and get ready at my place. Jessie had relatives over so he would be coming later. Jackie also said that Damien had practice, or a competition, or something, so he would probably also be late.

Next chapter will be the party- Hope you like this. And also If anyones wondering I'm not gonna go into the entire Palestine vs Israel situation

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