Meeting Lucis friends

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Luci might seem like one of the really popular people, you know the ones that hangs out at huge parties every weekend and had people hating them and admiring them all at once and in a way he was, but he was also very picky about his friends.

That meant that there wasn't going to be a huge party at our house, maybe 15 people tops.
Knowing all of this, I still didn't want to go downstairs and Nakeo and Jackie were starting to get impatient.

Nakeo was wearing and very low cut dress that ended right under her ass, it showed of her curves perfectly and even though I was as straight as could be I had to admit she looked hot, but then again she always did.

Jackie had taken one of her dads white shirts and had fastened a wide belt around upper waist, just below her breast. She also had on a pair of black tights, she also looked gorgeous.

I had on a pair of dark tight jeans with a printed t-shirt that said: "If abortion is murder, does that mean BJ's are cannablism?" I'd gotten it from Jessie as a birthday gift and I might as well use it now that my parents weren't home.

"You know what, you should just go down stairs without me, I changed my mind. I meen, I don't like parties and I really don't want to meet his friends" I said. Hoping, yet knowing they wouldn't leave.

" This is stupid, I'm giving you ten minutes then I'm dragging you down. Actually I changed my mind I'm not dragging you down. I'll have Lucifer do it!"Nakeo said triumphantly.

Jackie was for some reason oddly quiet, right now she was standing in front of my mirror and redoing her makeup for the fifth time, I  had chosen to go without make up.
It had been an annoying decision to make; On one hand I wanted to put make up on but on the other I remembered his comment about me wearing more make and I didn't want it to seem that I had done it for him. However if I chose to go without makeup because of what he would think, that was almost as bad.
I re-pondered the make up choice for a few seconds before saying
"Ok fine I'll go downstairs but.... could I borrow you mascara first"


Except us three and Luci there were 5 guys and 3 girls there.Three people stood out more than the rest.

First there was this huge guy, and I know I said Damien and Luci were big but they looked like dwarfs next to him.
He was at least 6,8 ft and he was broad enough to match his height. But seriously what is this, the gathering of giants?He was also… pale. Not sickly pale or lack of blood pale but more like there was a white undertone to his skin colour. And his hair was white.
I was probably dyed, but it looked natural.

He seemed to be engaged in a staring contest with a girl across the room, but while he seemed to think it was for fun, she was glaring daggers at him.
She was about average size, maybe a bit smaller but she was very buff. Not in an ugly bulging muscles way but you could see she was toned and she probably had a stomach that'd put most guys to shame.
I think her hair was dyed as well because it was creepishly black, like black black.

And then there was the small guy, or he wasn't small but all the other guys in the room stood well over 6 ft but this guy looked to be about 5.9-10 ft and he also had a lankier build.

But to be fair he was definitely the best looking person in the room, his face was perfect except for the slightly large nose which only made him look better.
He had light rusty coloured hair and golden eyes. His hair was long and although I couldn't tell that well because the hair was pulled back in a ponytail, it seemed really thick.

The three of us mingled, drank and had fun. I also got a lot of comments on my shirt, surprisingly none were negative.
You could say what you want about Luci but his taste in friends was impeccable.

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