Meeting Snow White

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This story has been pre written and is up on fiction press which is way the updates are coming so fast but that will only last for about two more chapter. This chapter was betad by anehalia  over at fiction press. she's awesome.
Wow… I mean, OMFG! What was that? Would it happen again? Did I want it to happen again? I didn't really know the answer to any of those questions.
I sat on the couch for another couple of minutes trying to figure out what had just happened; going over every detail a hundred times, and trying to make sure I didn't forget any of, I was ripped out of my thoughts by a loud gunshot coming from the television. A new show apparently started a few minutes ago, although I had no idea what the show was about.

I turned off the TV, and I was going up the stairs when I heard a scratching sound coming from the front door. I smiled, Snow was back.

A couple of years ago I got into a huge fight with my parents so I ran out of the house and into the "forest". We live in a nice suburban area, and at the end of our street there is something that looks like a forest; however it's probably less than 500m thick. I have to cross it whenever I'm going to the bus stop. There is also a school on the outskirts of the forest, so I don't really think it's a forest, but that's what everyone calls it.

Anyway, I headed into the school's playground and sat on a swing when I suddenly saw something that looked like a huge wolf walk out into the play area. I realized it wasn't a wolf because the forest was too small, and I'm pretty sure they made a thorough search of the woods before they opened the school there.
When the large dog then proceeded to happily trot forward to me with his tail wagging and tongue hanging out, I figured it was one of the neighbor's dogs that snuck out for the night. It kind of looked like a Siberian husky, but it was bigger and bulkier with a shorter coat.

And did I mention it was huge? It stood as tall as a Great Dane and was almost as broad as a Leonberger but it's thick coat made it seem even bigger.
His coat was as white as snow, and that was how he received the name Snow white, which was later shortened to Snow. I spent close to an hour playing, cuddling, and petting him before I went home.

I went out the next day to see if he was there, and I brought some dog food with me wanting to see if he could do some tricks. He was there, and he could do tricks, but he was very stubborn he only did the tricks when he wanted to. He actually did them more often if I said please or asked really nicely.
He was not interested in the dog food I brought him, but he wanted my food when I brought something for myself to eat.
After awhile I would sometimes find him outside my house when everyone was asleep, and I'd let him in.

When I opened the door, I was greeted by a mix of whimpers and kisses, neither of which stopped until I'd stroked and cuddled him for a good minute. After that he quickly trotted to the kitchen, and sat by the refrigerator waiting for me to give him food.

I realized I was also hungry; I hadn't eaten anything since I ate lunch in school and that was close to eleven hours ago.

I heated up some leftover lasagna, and took the huge plate to my room while Snow sat on my bed and I started eating. Snow waited for me to start eating and then started nuzzling my hand and wanted what was on my fork. 30 minutes passed like that before Snow got bored, and in a matter of seconds gulped up what was left on the plate.

We sat on the bed in silence for another couple of minutes with his head in my lap an me scratching his neck and head, "Did I tell you that my brother's friend is supposed to be babysitting while my family is away?" Some people probably think that it's weird talking to a dog, but I didn't. Maybe it was because he seemed to understand, and he would also try to comfort me if I was upset. However this time his response was a grunt.

I started thinking about Luci, God he was gorgeous, and even though I called him stupid he really wasn't. I felt a familiar feeling in my tummy, and I wanted to bang my head against a wall. Of all the people to get a crush on I had to choose one of the biggest man whores on earth; a guy whose reaction to touching me was storming out of the house which hurt, allot.

Although I could be confusing romantic feelings with lust, I mean, I was a hormonal 16 year old.
It was not only plausible but also very likely.

Ehh! Who was I kidding?

I might be feeling a lot of lust for Luci, but that emotion was making me feel another, more serious emotion.

"Huh, I might actually love him, or at least be starting to," I was thinking aloud but suddenly Snow sat up straight and released a sound between a growl and a whimper while starring intently at me.

"Don't worry, you'll always be number one," I said amused by both his reaction, and me actually considering that his reaction was because of what I said.

When he shoved me so I was lying down on the bed and curled up beside me with his head on my tummy and his muzzle between my breasts I realized he was just tired and wanted to go to sleep. I was lulled to sleep by Snow's steady deep breaths.
As I drifted to sleep, I realized that in order to get rid of whatever emotion I was feeling for Luci. I needed to get rid of my lust for him, and the best way to do that was obviously to fuck him, or have him fuck me judging by the earlier dominant personality that he demonstrated.

My babysitter LuciferOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora