meeting the body

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I am sooooo sorry I have not updated in forever  I have no excuse, I desereved to be tied  to a pole and whipped...  preferrebly by Alexander Skarsgård but you know, I can compromise. (the things I would let that man do to me)  Since I was in a hurry to post this chapter it's not edited, and for that I'm also sorry . The reason you are getting this update is because of Distant123 who made me the new amazing cover wich kinda guilt-tripped me to finish the chapter. So yay you!!!!

A story that I've started reading is called Requiem by the authour Tracer_Glass. (S)he ,like me, hasn't updated in a while but I think the stroy is totally worth the wait, Think X-men meets Harry Potter meets the House of Nights Books.
The synopsis is: Dolce Willow thought she knew exactly who she was. A good student and daughter, who would never get into any kind of trouble. And she thought there was nothing more to know.                                 
But everything changes on one fateful day in the London Underground, when a tragic and accidental death marks the beginning of her new life. Everything she does from that point forward is the echo and rememberance, a requiem she writes with every action, and soon she is a part of something very few knew existed


”Fine,  they’re a group of people that came here to kick my ass but luckily they didn’t succeed so they left”  with those words he did a little drum thing on the table, gave me a tight smile and got up and was quickly heading upstairs.

 “That wasn’t a long story!”  I yelled after him, not really expecting an answer.

Normally I probably would have pushed and prodded more, but I’d just been dealt a buttload of information and needed time to digest.

I don’t know how long a sat at the kitchen table just thinking about everything he’d just told me and about the book I’d seen a last night and what he’d said about that,  I was brought out of my thought by the sound of a door slamming and the shower being turned on and I realized I was really hungry. To lazy to cook  anything else that ramen noodles I realized  that Luci might also be hungry and maybe be a better cook than me. so I waited until I heard the shower turning of and him getting out of the bathroom before heading upstairs to ask him if he wanted to eat something. However all thoughts of eating (food at least) left me when I reached the second floor just in time to see his back walking into his room. 

Seeing his back and towel clad tush for a second or two didn’t drive me mad with desire, not that it wasn’t a nice back, it most definitely was.  But it rather served to spark curiosity about how  the rest of his body looked, I’ve always imagined super defined abs and bulging pecks, but the only time I’d seen him without a shirt was earlier today, but then I’d been distracted by trying not to look while he and Damien brutally tried to kill each other. 

It didn’t take more than a couple of seconds to come to the conclusion that there was only one way to find out how his body looked (or only one easy way) and a couple  more to gather up the courage to walk over to the room and quickly push the door open and barge in.

He was still wearing the towel when he turned around  to face me.

“huh” I was surprised, not disappointed. But surprised.

"What’d you mean ‘huh’ and why are you in my room?”  he sounded somewhat confused but thankfully he didn’t feel the need to cover up his torso.   

“Umm.. I came to see if you were hungry and wanted to eat something” I have to admit I sounded pretty distracted and had yet to take my eyes of his body, not that he seemed to mind.

“Yeah sure, we could get...”

“You don’t have abs”  I don’t know which one of us was more surprised, but I was quickly snapped out of my shock when I realized how horrible what I just said was, I couldn’t imagine how I would have felt if he said something negative about my body, so I quickly tried to fix the situation

“You don’t have crabs! Because you shave, so you don’t have crabs” I quickly scrambled to say with a nod towards his towel clad groin. Even though he was wearing a towel it was low enough for me to tell he shaved.

I’m pretty sure he said something along the lines of “Okey, weirdo .” but honestly I was to busy staring at his body to listen.  Naked he seemed almost more massive than normally, he had gotten a tan and his skin had a nice golden tone to it, the small amount of hair he had on his chest seemed to have been bleached by the sun and was almost lighter than his skin tone, not quite, but almost. His pecs where huge and well defined and thick. His stomach was flat and though there were no bulging  abs you could clearly see muscles rippling under the skin. The lack of abs almost seemed to enhance that huge bulk of his pecs, shoulders and arms.  And those hips and that V-line. Oh sweet mother of god!  

I was snapped out of my daze by Luci snapping his fingers and asking me if ‘I would like him to drop the towel so I could take a picture’

“Yes! Can I?” I had barely  started patting my pockets looking for my phone before he let out an exasperated sight.

“No, Out!” he was  pointing at the door “and order some pizza or something”.


So after a night of me trying to (unsuccessfully)  convince him to A) let me look at the book again B) explain more about the were-doggie-thingys C)explain about the people in the house or D) let me take a naked picture of him (To be honest it was the naked picture part I was most interested in).  I had spent the night tossing and turning  before getting a few hours of sleep .
It wasn’t before I was in the hallway waiting for Luci to come down so he could give me a ride to school, and saw the brown paperbag that I remembered the pregnancy test and Jackie. Unfortunately Luci decided that this was the perfect time to come downstairs and spot the bag.
“What’s that?”
“Nothing!” even before I said it I knew my answer was to quick and suspicious. 
I was a lot closer to the bag, so I should, by all accounts and purpose, gotten to it before him. This however, was not the case.

Within seconds he had it in his hands and was taking out the pregnancy test.  There was something eerie  about the way he suddenly seemed to still. The corners of his mouth whitened and neither of us moved. I only realized I hadn’t  been breathing when he took a deep breath and I was suddenly released from the trancelike state I’d been in.

“Who is it for?” his, voice was calm and soft, but there was an underlying tone of steel running through it.

I didn’t know what to say, If I said a friend he would want to know which one, and I couldn’t say Jackie because he was friends with Damien and would probably tell him. I got the urge to say it was mine, just to see his reaction and to spite him, but I didn’t want to lie.  So I stayed quiet.

“Dakota?” he took a step closer and I stepped back, almost hitting the wall behind me but with a few inches to spare, his voice still had the same calm and soft tone.
There was more than three feet separating us but I still felt the need to look away when I said “that’s none of your business” I said it so softly and quietly I wasn’t sure he’d heard it, but apparently he had. Suddenly I was slammed against the wall hard enough to take my breath away, with Lucis body plastered to every inch of mine. Because of the height difference, my face was pressed against his formerly mentioned massive pecs, that smelled divine btw. And his forehead was resting against the wall, he’d angled his face down so his lips and chin where resting on the side of my head.  He didn’t move and stayed perfectly still, but every inch of his body was radiating something akin to power that was extremely menacing, terrifying and at the same time tremendously intriguing. His entire behavior reminded me of the calm before the storm.

Only there was no storm.

“Come on, you’re going to be late to school” He said after moving away from me with a deep sigh.

The ride was awkward to say the least, and when he stopped outside of the school I wanted nothing more than to quickly jump out of the car, but as I made a move to do so he told me to wait. After a deep breath he started speaking.

“ I don’t know if this thought ever occurred  to you,  but if you’re pregnant, you can’t keep it”  I was surprised, not at his serious tone of grave demeanor , bur by what he’d said, considering his past I’d thought he would have told me to keep it.

“I know what it would do to you, I’ve seen what It did to my mother, it ruined her life for a few years. I mean, she’s happy now, and I know she loves me and is happy that she had me, but she could have had me five years later. Maybe not whit the exact same genes, but I don’t think that would have mattered. I would still be her son, and I would still be the person she raised me to be.”  He was quiet for a while before he continued.

“It’s obviously your decision but it would make your life for the next couple of years so incredibly difficult, and remember that it’s probably not a baby yet but fetus.”  He gave a small chuckle before he continued.  “And if you  desperately want to  take care of something I can get you a puppy”
His attempt at a joke wasn’t really funny but I went along with it to lighten the mood
“What if I want a cat?”

“No, I don’t like cats.”

“oh well if you don’t like cats”

We both did a little fake laugh before he looked at me and said “come here “ and drew me into a hug.

As I walked away from him and towards  the school all I could think about was how I could still fell his hand against my back and would probably do so until the end of the day.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 21, 2013 ⏰

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