Meeting the chocolate

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I am so sorry for the super late update, but two weeks ago we found out that my grandmother has Cancer so I've been quite busy, but thankfully it looks pretty good and she is going to have surgery in about a month.

So a while ago I had this obbsession with werewolf romance and my library on my phone was filled with hundreds of identical stories, I went over them a few weeks ago and deleted most of them. One of the few I kept was : 

The Love Of An Alpha Male: A Heated Whispers Novel  by OlexaCherne
Warning: this story will contain strong sexual content and will be rated accordingly. I always have sex scenes in my stories. My spine went rigid when the male’s scent hit me. A provocative sensual musk, mixed with the sweet tones of vanilla and the beguiling, rough scent of wood smoke.
I found myself leaning slowly away from him, hands curling in the pockets of my baggy jeans. He noticed, sparing me a slight glance before looking away again, disinterested. 
Shoulders slumping in relief, I sighed softly, eyes turning back to the teacher. “As most of you may know now, we have the honor of accepting a new student today, will everyone please welcome Ms. Bonnie Harper?” 
If ‘welcoming’ meant turning around in your seat and staring at designated newcomer like she was the bearded lady at Uncle Billy’s Freak Show, then obviously I had never been properly welcomed before.
I mouthed a silent “hello” because my voice seemed to have decided to take a sudden vacation, and sank lower in my seat.

This is an extremely steamy hot werewolf romance and I definitely recommend it.

On another note I'm currently looking for stories about Girls masquerading as boys, weather on wattpad, on another site or a published book, please let me know if you know of a good one.

Picture to the side is kinda what I imagine snow would look like but bigger and wth blue eyes.
This chapter has not been edited because I didn't want to make you wait any longer for the update. And after that insanely long AN I will let you get to the story, Enjoy


Hiding the pregnancy tests from Luci in the car was surprisingly easy. I just asked him to stop at a supermarket on the way and as soon as he'd stopped the car I rushed out into the store so he wouldn't think I wanted him to come with me.

I got back 15 minutes later with the bag tucked under my arm, and when he asked what I'd gotten I took out a piece of dark chocolate that I'd gotten specifically for that purpose, and also because I was feeling a craving for chocolate. Normally I wouldn't have gone for dark chocolate but I figured it was a god choice since he was super fit and I obviously wasn't, and I didn't need to make that any more obvious by getting milk chocolate. Or god forbid, white chocolate. My mom hates it when I get white chocolate or any chocolate for that matter. 

She has since I was 14 and it became apparent that the extra fat wouldn't magically disappear with age. From then she's been bugging me and about minding what I eat  and too start working out. 
I completely ignored anything she said about starting a sport or going to the gym, I HATE exercising, as in I would rather die than run for an extended period of time. Screw that; I would die if I had to run an extended period of time.  And while I would like to be thin there were certain stuff I like more than that, for example coke or milk chocolate. But I figured I could make an exception for once and get dark chocolate

When i handed it over to him he quickly unwrapped it and took a massive bite before saying

"Who buys dark chocolate?" He looked at me like I was an idiot, but he didn't slow down his vigorous chewing.

"Don't talk with food in your mouth" I quickly snapped. 

I know I sounded like a bitch but one of my pet peeves where bad manners. I mean he's over 20 you would expect him to know some basic etiquette 

"And I can see you really hate it" I added amused.

He rolled his eyes and me and was quiet until he swallowed

" I didn't say I hated it, I said I preferred milk chocolate"

" no you didn't. You said, and I quote 'who buys dark chocolate'" I made my voice ridiculously dark and moody to stimulate his.

"I don't sound like that!!"

"Sure you don't"

I turned to look at him and was amazed that he had come out of the fight with Damien without a scratch. I was about to ask him about that when a thought struck me.

When speaking to Jackie the option of abortion had come so naturally, anything else would have been absolutely moronic, but now sitting and looking at Luci made me question that opinion. 
I still didn't think Jackie should let the pregnancy run it's course, but maybe other options were  worth giving a though. In another situations of course.


When we were getting closer to the house Luci seemed to tense up and his eyse were looking around the street. It was starting to get dark out but there was still some light out, despite of this I couldn't really see anything unusual on the street.

"When we reach the house I want you to go straight inside and lock the door. I have to go somewhere, don't wait up, I have a key" 

His voice sounded strained while he spoke, and he never once looked away from the street.

“Why? What’s wrong? Where are you going?” I was getting freaked out and I resented that my voice betrayed how frazzled I was.
“Nothing just…” He took a deep breath and said in a calm voice

“Just go inside. Please. I’ll explain tomorrow”

Just as I was about to answer we pulled into the parking spot outside the house.

“Please, just go inside I’ll be back in a few hours”

I wanted to argue, and probably would have if it wasn’t for the pleading note in his voice and his obvious agitation.
 So I got out and quickly walked into the house, the last thing I saw before I closed the door was the headlights of the car turning on.

I absentmindedly put the bag on the kitchen table on my way upstairs; I was hoping to see where luci was going, through the window. Just as I’d reached the top of the stairs there was a scratching by the front door.  At first I was terrified and different scenarios were running through  my head, maybe someone was trying to break in, or maybe someone had beat the crap out of Luci and he didn’t have the energy to knock. Although in retrospect that was quit unbelievable considering   I’d only been away from him for a minute, but my mind doesn’t function properly when I’m scared.

Most of my fear melted away when I heard a familiar yelp.  I quickly ran downstairs and opened the door to let Snow in, immediately feeling a lot safer with him in the house. He didn’t give me his usual welcome but instead headed up the stairs. Halfway up he turned around   and barked at me before continuing upstairs.  Assuming he wanted me to follow him I ran up the stairs after him, he was headed for my room but suddenly he froze for a couple of seconds before letting out a low whine.  He turned and ran for the bathroom with me quick on his heels.
Obviously he was faster than me and when I reached the bathroom he was vomiting into the toilet bowl.

I quickly closed and locked the door fearing that Snow would run out and possibly throw up somewhere else.  As soon as he finished vomiting he turned towards me and let out a whine when his eyes turned to the door.  He slowly came forward and started scratching the door and then turning around signaling me to open it. When all I did was push him down he started growling and jumping on the door trying to unlock it with his paws. I was about to push him down when he suddenly turned around and raced back to the toilet bowl before throwing up into it again.

 For the next 15 minutes he was alternating between pacing around the bathroom, getting his belly rubbed while lying down next to me and throwing up. By now there was nothing coming out except something that looked like white foam.  When he just went over and sat by the toilet bowl with his head leaning against it I got really worried. I’d been worried before but I knew it was normal for dogs to vomit occasionally, but Snow had now thrown up every three-four minutes for the last 20 minutes.

I sat down next to him and murmured comforting nothings while I rubbed his back and scratched him behind his ear, at the same time I was searching for the phone number to a veterinarian on my phone.

 When I finally got through I got to talk to an annoying old woman, when I said I had no idea what he had eaten she went off on a rampage about responsibility and that you shouldn’t leave a dog at home alone for more than 4 hours at a time. Normally I would have been perfectly fine with explaining to her that it wasn’t really my dog, but right now Snow was getting worse by the second, I had no idea what to do and she had been ranting and lecturing me for a couple of minutes, so when Luci let out and painful whining sound I snapped and yelled at her.

“Ok, I get I’m a crappy dog owner! But could you please, for the love of fucking god, Tell me what to do with him!”

“There is no need to be rude.  Keep an eye on him and make sure he doesn’t get dehydrated, if he doesn’t get better in a couple of hours bring him in”

I muttered a quick thanks and hung up. By this point snow was stretching and twisting his body before crouching into a ball again; he obviously had a stomach ache. I was just about to go down to the kitchen to get a bowl to give him water from when he suddenly tensed and started growling at the door. At first I was confused but then I heard a smash from downstairs. Luci had probably gotten home, and snow didn’t like to be in the house at the same time as other people.

I tried to shush Snow but the growling was getting louder and when I he let out a loud and surprisingly intimidating snarl, considering his predicament, I knew there was no way Luci would have missed that.  I decided to go down stairs and explain, or make up an excuse. I had opened the door while still blocking it so Snow couldn’t sneak out and turned around to tell him that I’d be right back. But all that came out was a scream, In the bathroom stood now a naked Luci.

Believe it or not I barely noticed his nudeness, but that was probably because he stood crouched over and was leaning on the sink, his skin was eerily pale and covered in sweet,  there was saliva and the some of the white  foam he’d been throwing up staining his jaw and hands.

I stood frozen as he limped over to me

“Stay here”  He walked past me and out of the bathroom
Can anyone figure out why he's sick??

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