Meeting the fight

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Sorry for the short chapter but I hope you like it :)

I also wanted to promote a story, which has alot more readers that this because it's effin awesome so you should really check it out. That being said I couldn't get ahold of the author when I was gonna puplish this so this promotion is happening without her permission (I know!  Please don*t kill me!!) so if the author ( SorayaCage) at anypoints happens to have any objections to this all she(you) has (have) to do is send me a quick message and I will delete this part.

To summon a vampire:
An impetuous young witch discovers a spell that can bring the vampire she's been yearning for straight to her bedroom. The problem is, he didn't want to be summoned. And unfortunately for her, they don't call him "The Soulless One" for nothing.
Beyond rated R for strong language, explicit sexual content, and violence. 

This story is awesome so you should definately check it out.

Me and Jackie were inside watching the the guys, and girls, work out. There were around 10 guys and two girls. I was personally in heaven, not a single one of the guys stood under 6ft 2 and they were all super buff, it was absolutely ridiculous. It seemed as if the owners of the club had gone searching for weigh lifters gone supermodels.

 Dana, Luci, Damien and two other guys worked out with Alteza coaching them, The other people where training with a brunette.  Jackie told me that they were placed in a group based on their skill, altezas groups were called the alphas, and mikes (the brunettes) group were the betas. The betas had been sparring in the cage while the Alphas were warming up but now it seemed like the alphas where about to enter the ring. They where all gathered around the entrance of the cage listening to Alteza speak. Suddenly Luci and Damien and entered the cage, surprisingly Jackie stopped her never ending babbling and froze, she said under her breath:

"Oh god."  She sounded as if she was about to start either panicking or crying, but there was also a hint of resignation as if this had happened several times before and she knew there was nothing she could do about it.  I was very confused until the started fighting.

Maybe it was what Luci had told me about werewolves, or maybe just my own twisted imagination that jumped to magic as an explanation before I considered steroids. But in my defense it was hard to think when you were witnessing  and feeling the horror that I currently was. 

when the fight started Luci and  Damien had attacked each other like vicious animals trying to kill each other. with the blows they were landing it was unbelievable that they were still standing but the two of them din't even flinch at the punshes and kicks they were receiving. Suddenly, before I realised what happened Luci had taken Damien down and was straddling his chest. 

Me and Jackie had been sitting on the ground in the corner of the gym, about 5 m away from the cage, but when the guys had gone down we had both stood up trying to get a better view of what was happening, The next second I wished I'd stayed on the ground

Luci grabbed his hair or ears, I couldn't see that clearly from the distance, maybe a bit of both. and slammed his head against the ground, he the pulled his head up close to half a meter of the ground and then slammed it down once more, twice and three times. Lucis muscles weren’t for show, they were strong, strong as in I could feel the vibrations  under my feet every time Damien’s head was slammed down. My brain couldn't function properly because I was so terrified that the ground would be covered with Damien’s blood and brains every time  Luci yanked his head up but in the back of my mind I was outraged that Alteza didn't break up the fight, this was surely against the rules.

Then out of nowhere Luci went flying, his back brutally smashing against one of the black poles holding the cage up, making the entire thing rattle. Luci slid down to the ground and was just getting up when Damien, who didn’t look like he’d had his head viciously banged on the ground a few times btw, reached him and planted what looked to be a really hard kick in his face and then another one in his stomach. Damien alternated between kicking and stomping on him for what seemed like hours but what could barely have been a minute, but a minute is a lot of time to get kicked by someone of Damien’s strength.

Luci had just gotten his feet up and landed a hard blow to Damiens knee when Alteza whistled.

“They’re gonna go two more rounds, I can’t watch this. Let’s go I need to talk to you anyway” It wasn’t until Jackie was dragging me out, or dragging is the wrong word, I was more than willing to go with her, that I remembered that the reason I was here was because she wanted to talk to me.

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