Meeting the book

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Ok so most people  to want  different books, so here they are. I haven't decided on the order yet though so let me know if you have a preference. You havn't met some of the characters yet, but you will meet all of them before the story is over.  And thank you to ever one who has commented And I've decided that I will reply to every one who commented from this chapter forward. ( I'm to lazy  to do the previous chapters, srry :P)    
The song on the side is Lucis ring tone. And the picture is alteza, but Imagine him bigger- I had truble finding a guy that big so I settled on the yummyness that is Chris Hemsworth, whose hotness is only topped by Kellan lutz and James momoa.
Also I would like to remind everyone that this story is a work in progress and that I am very open to suggestions

The  other books:
My best friend Damien. 
My trainer Alteza
My secret Thor
My boss Kellan 

When they had left I quickly scrambled of his thighs, mumbled an apology and rushed up the stairs to my room.  I tried to go to sleep for about two hours but I just couldn't.  My mind was working a mile a minute and my body was restless craving more of luci. Eventually I decided to try to get something to hot to drink. When I entered the kitchen Luci was sitting by the table. I almost didn't notice tha massive, super old book he was reading because he looked so good sitting there in sweats and a baggy t-shirt staring intensively at the book. His brows were furrowed and he was absentmindedly chewing on a pen. 

" what's that?" I leaned over the table and tried to see what it was about. he quickly pulled it away, but he needn't  have bothered because it wasn't in English.

" A book" he grunted barely looking up.

" No shit Sherlock, what language is it in, and what is i about ?" I start poking his arm when he didn't answer.

He managed to ignore me or about half a minute before he slammed the book closed and his head snapped up to look at me.

" it's in Swedish and it's about ... well, you'd call it werewolves"

I looked at the book, it was massive and super old.

" You're reading a Swedish book about werewolves?" My skepticism was clear in my voice.

" After my grandparents kicked my mom out for being pregnant she moved to some distant relatives in Sweden. Her parents got in touch with her when I was 15 and we moved back here. This was a gift from an uncle, it's written by a group of vikings explaining the reason behind the berserk. The reason they give is very similar to what you would call werewolves."

I thought about that for a while  before I said 

"So according to them vikings turned win to wolves on the battlefield?"

" No for two reasons. One,werewolves where as much of a myth then as they are now, only then people believed in myths. They said the vikings were werewolves and they would use their beasts strenght  and speed, but you never saw them shift. The second reason is that the book claims tht they didn't all look like wolves. some of them had diffrent body types and coat textures. kinda like dogs, the can look very different from each other but they're still the same species. Apparently these berserkers are the for fathers to all werewolves "

That seemed weird, and not at all like everything else I'd read about werewolves in stories

"Then why are they called werewolves if they don't all look like wolves?"

"Because werewolves sound allot more intimidating that werepoodles- besides according to the book some of them did look like wolves, but most of them didn't."

I still thought it sounded odd.

" Well how did they look?"

He opened the book and started flipping through it until he'd gotten about half way through and then he stopped and pushed the book closer to me. It was full of drawings, the colours were faded but you could still make out that it was pictures of what looked to be... dogs. One of them was black with white spots, the build of a boxer but was allot bigger. Another one was red everywhere except for a stripe down it's back and actually looked like a wolf.  another one looked like a hyena. There were about four pictures per page and under each creature there was some writing that I couldn't read.

" I don't want to hate you but how can I not, you killed of so much I held dear in my heart. Take away every single.." The music came from the living room  and Luci quickly got up to answer his phone.
I kept flipping through the book and looking at the different creatures until the pictures stopped and it was just text.

"stupid language" I muttered

I quickly flipped through  the pages trying to find another picture and I found a few, but nothing to interesting. I was reaching the end of the book When I picture stopped me. It was a picture of Snow!
It was big, covering an entire page  and then it was just more text , but I had a feeling it was about the picture.  The books was obviously the work of old men's over active imagination but the pictures likeness to snow was eerie. And I know you're thinking that it's just another, all white,  wolflike creature but was more that that.  The similarity of the details where amazing  and his eyes were an exact replica of snows. I turned the page hoping to find more pictures. There was a picture on the next page but I didn't have time to see what it was before the book was slammed closed and I looked up to meet lucis furious eyes.


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