Meeting the friends

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At lunch I was sitting at my ordinary table with my very unordinary friends. There was Damien a black haired, green eyed ghost.
No I'm just kidding, but he was so quiet that you would have forgotten he was there if it wasn't for his dominating size, he was as big as Luci but where Luci was so comfortable about his size and wore it so well that you barley noticed it.
Damien was as comfortable as Luci but the first thing you thought of when you thought of him was his muscles… And I mean that in a non creepy way.  Kind of like a lion and a panther, both were as powerful, but the panther was much more discreet about it. And if Damien at any time wanted to make his opinions clear through words, he had Jackie.
Jackie and Damien where childhood friend and she talked enough for the both of them, actually she talked enough for the entire school. She also had the attention span of a midget, wonder if midgets have short attention spans?.
Jackie also had black hair but she had brown eyes and ordinary features, she was close to a decimeter taller than me but still small compared to Damien. She was not as stunningly beautiful as Nakeo but it was her personality that made her attractive.
Nakeo was a gorgeous tall African girl with an perfect figure, she was also very outspoken and cocky, she was however not the smartest person in the world but we still loved her.
There was also Jessie, he was around 1.78 m and a swimmer, his family was from Iran so he had the dark Arabic looks, and he was probably the most normal out of the the table. Jackie was talking about everything and nothing at once when she made a comment about the party that was supposed to be the next day.

"Wait, how do you know about that? I haven't told anyone yet" I interrupted her.

"Oh I heard Lucifer when he told Damien at practice and he invited us, Oh! Speaking of practice, you know Damien bough new practice short. No? Ok anyway, he totally did and when we were our getting them a totally saw...." And so she continued for about 10 minutes until she was interrupted by a couple of cheerleaders, three to be exact.
Sarah, Missy and Annie, personally I had no problem with Annie but Sarah and Missy are the worlds most annoying people ever.

" What did you do dress in the dark? Missy asked with a smirk on her ugly, drenched in make up, face while nodding at my converse" which were different colors, one orange and the other one black.

"No, I just like standing out, which you do to, only your way of doing it is being a complete whore."

"She's to rich to have to sell herself for money." Jessie added to the conversation looking up from his Iphone.

"I know but I don't want to call her a slut because I was trying to insult her and there is nothing wrong with having a lot of sex."

"Sure there is if you're a girl, well atleast according to the society we live in. That's why the word slut exist" Jackie said.

"Hey! I'm still here you know!" Missy cried outraged

"Shush! Go away, we're talking." Jackie said before shooing the three cheerleaders away. This is one of the reasons why Missy hates us, we don't show her the respect she thinks she deserves.

"WHy is it bad for a girl too have a lot of sex but it's cool if a guy does it?" I asked outraged. One thing you have to understand is that conversations like this are not rare amongst us.

" Because when a guy gets laid he acomplishes something because he normally has to work to get into a girls pants, but if a irl gets laid she hasn't really had to do anything, all she had too do was spread her legs and a guy would come running" Jessie said , then he continued " It's not fair, it's just the way it is"

"So basically women have to pay because mne are natural sluts?" I asked annoyed

"Pretty much." Jessie said shrugging.

  "In what world is that fair" Jackie pitched in sounding outraged.

"In the USA were over 50% of the married women are housewives" Jessie contributed

"Really, 50%? Nakeo asked"

"How the hell am I supposed to know, I just made something up" Jessie said like Nakeo was stupid for assuming he was serious.

We continued this debate until Damien grunted and nodded to the clock which showed that class had started 10 minutes ago.


"I'm just saying, if having oralsex with someone above 18 it would also make handjobs illeagal and where would the line stop, would it be illegal to shake hands?" I said to Jessie while opening the door to my house hoping tha Luci would be out.

"So your saying only vaginalsex should be illeagal, what about anal?" He replied.

"I don't think any of them should be illeagal, the age limit should be brought down 15" We were now walking into my room

We continued this disscusion for about 15 minutes after that until Jessie said

"What the hell are you doing"

I was standing in front of my book shelf squirming awkwardly

"I need to use the bathroom"

"The way to the bathroom is through the door not the bookshelf"

"Sometimes you just know that you're going to be in there for more than a couple of minutes and I bored easily"

Jessie let out a disgruntled sigh and said

"Here I was hoping we would fuck later, but that's so not going to happen If you continue to gross me out"

He was kidding, unfortunately. I was still a virgin, and not because I hadn't meet the right guy orwas saving myslef for marriage or something equally sappy but because I was embarrassed and uncomfortable about my body.  I didn't think I was that fat but all of my female friends and all of my male friends girlfriends were really thin, and it just made me uncomfortable. Also guys didn't seem to be interessted in me in that way. although because I talked about sex so openly everyone assumed I had alot of sex.
That fact that I hadn't had sex didn't mean I hadn't tried other stuff, I had and I liked it, enough to become really desperate. God I'm such a slut.

I quickly picked out 1984 by george orwell and just as I was about to walk out of my room Jesse said "you sure thats bathroom material?"
I looked at him for a couple of seconds and then quickly ran back to my bookshelf and took out one of the twilight books.

Just when I was coming out of the bathroom I heard a crash from the kitchen and when I ran downstairs I saw a couple of plates on the floor and Luci bending Jessie over the table by twisting his arm in what looked like really painful angle. Luci Looked somewhat pissed and even though Jessie appeared quite smug you could see the pain and slight fear in his eyes, however he still said with a completely normal and even somewhat cheerful voice

"Dakota, Hi!"

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