Chapter 2

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my mouth dropped once I read the article's title.

I quickly grabbed the phone and started reading the article.

the two were seen entering a cafe in the early afternoon, and were seen to be very close.

there are also pictures spreading around of them holding hands , hugging , and even kissing.

- dispatch

"this can't be true." I mumbled.

I gave the phone back to Mina and immediately went on my phone to see what other engenes weee saying about it.

I felt like crying after ready some of the comments that were posted under nikis latest selca.

I felt like crying after ready some of the comments that were posted under nikis latest selca

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

engene1 : Jake what are you doing with a kid who betrayed his own fandom

jaywonie : Niki was never actually good. he just got lucky. and now he's paying for it.

yanggarden : Niki should be ashamed. first of all dating while being an idol is just unprofessional, but what do we all expect, hes still a stupid kid

I put my phone down and put my hands up to my face , hiding my tears that were threatening to fall.

"are you ok y/n?" Mina asked, rubbing my back.

I shook my head . "I'm not upset at the fact that Niki could possibly be dating bahi, I'm upset at how these supposed 'fans' are reacting to it." I explained.

"he doesn't deserve this! he's just a kid for fucks sake , and because people thought they had a chance with him, and now he's actually maybe happy with a girl they want to bring him down?!" I ranted.

"I feel so bad for him. he deserves everything in the world. he's done so much for us engenes. he's improved so much since I-land for us and this is how we repay him?" I sobbed.

"If he's happy with someone , we shouldn't try and take it away from him" I said.

Mina couldn't think of the right words to say, so she just nodded and rubbed y/n's back , trying to calm her down.

timeskip - ( lunch )

Today has been horrible.

I've been non stop checking Weverse to see if there was anyone that had common sense and wasn't blaming Niki for this whole thing, but everyone just was putting everything on him.

Now I know I'm not Niki, so why should I be upset, but as much as Niki has done to make us engenes happy , and this is what he gets when he makes a little mistake?

I hope everything dies down before the fan meeting next week.

I walked to the courtyard , seeing Mina waiting for me at our usual spot.

I walked over to the bench and sat down next to her. "you doing ok?" She asked me.

"not really" I replied , taking out my lunch.

"everyone is just flaming Niki. and it's making me mad at them but sad for Niki. When I get the chance to talk to him, I'm going to make sure that he knows that there's still an engene out here that will stay by his side no matter what" I declared , biting into my food.

Mina smiled at my determined mindset. "so you're telling me that you will be able to say all of that infront of him. when he's.." she paused , moving her face closer to mine.

"this close to you and you can see his face in person?" She finished her sentence.

"... I hope so ..." I said, suddenly losing my confidence. Mina chuckled at my behavior .

"we can only hope for the best y/n and assure them that we still love them" Mina said.

I nodded my head and continued eating my food while having small talks here and there.

timeskip - ( 2 days later )

at school

me and Mina were eating lunch again, we'll she was eating while I just sat there watching her because I forgot to grab my lunch box off of the counter this morning.

Things with Niki hadn't got any better, as a matter of fact they've just gotten worse.

Mina was on her phone while I ate some of her lunch that her mom packed.

"holy shit .!" She exclaimed.

"what ?! what happened?" I asked her. she showed me her phone.

hello , this is BeLift,
we would like to make a statement regarding our idol Niki from Enhypen. we have held meetings and have figured out that the rumors of Niki and Bahiyyih are false. the pictures that were seen were of Huening Bahiyyih and her brother Huening Kai. However the picture of 2 people kissing are two completely different people. Thank you , and we hope to see you all at the fan meeting 4 days from now !

"wow" was all I could say. Mina looked at me . "Check Weverse" she quickly said , with a worried face.

I listened and quickly opened the Weverse app and went to Enhypen's channel.

I clicked on the feed and already saw people posting about the announcement.

jaybae : they're probably lying to hide their relationship!
jung1 : Niki is really stupid. does he really think we will believe that this isn't him?! It's a complete replica of him!
ethanlee : this is why Enhypen sucks. their maknae just brings them down, they'd be better off without nikis worthless , talentless, ugly self.

I covered my mouth at how evil people were being to Niki. How could they say these things when clearly the rumor wasn't true.

Mina took the phone out of my hands and looked at what people were saying.

"oh hell no" she said , before beginning to type something. I sniffled , thinking about how Niki was handling all of this hate. I hoped he was ok.

"aand done!" Mina said , satisfied.

"is there anything you would like to add?" She asked , handing me back my phone to see a sentence that read "everyone stop!"

I smiled , knowing she did this so I could rant on text.

I typed everything I was thinking , feeling , and what I hoped would reach Niki.

by the time I had finished , the bell had rung , indicating that class was starting soon. Before we left , I hit the post button and closed out of the Weverse app before heading in with Mina.


you guys don't understand how hard it was to come up with hate comments bc enhypen is literally the best <3

that girl - nishimura Riki Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ