Chapter 21

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As soon as those words left his mouth, it felt like my whole world was crashing down right in front of me.

"no we are-" Niki tried to intervene but was cut off yet again. "unless you want me to expire your contract , I suggest you listen to me" Producer Bang threatened.

My throat felt tight , I knew I was going to cry but I was holding it all in.

I stood up out of my seat. I managed to put a weak smile on my face. "my apologies Mr.Bang . I won't interfere with Niki anymore." I stopped short.

I looked over at Niki. "thank you , for everything" I said , my voice was trembling.

I deeply bowed before rushing out of the room and out of the building. I kept a poker face on all the way back home, not caring to take out my umbrella.

The pain in my chest ... it felt like something ripping my heart out. But I couldn't let anything out of my mouth , afraid I'd end up sobbing in the middle of the street.

cold rain drops pouring down on me , drenching me once again.But I didn't care. My love , my happiness, he was gone.

it might sound like I'm being over dramatic, but I've never felt such strong emotions towards a person . so having them physically taken away from you .. that shit hurts.

I covered my mouth with my hand trying to keep my composure until I got home.

to people walking by I probably seemed like I was about to puke , but they didn't feel the horrible emotions that were flowing through me.

I slightly calmed myself down , so I put my already wet hood over my head , and continued walking back home.

I'd finally made it back home and once I closed the door to my room I fell back against the door and let all my emotions take over my body.

I slide down the door , bursting into tears , my chest moving up and down at a fast pace due to my crying.

I couldn't hold it anymore

the person that I wanted to spend the rest of my life with was ripped away from me. now I'm none other than a fan again...


It's now 10pm and I was still in my wet clothes that I had been wearing all day. I didn't care to change because nothing mattered more to me than Niki.

and now that he was gone , what was the point ?

I was emotionally cried out , but tears just kept spilling out of my eyes. I was laying down on my bed , all the lights off , with my phone on my stomach.

I had stared at the white ceiling ever since I had gotten home. I didn't bother to move. I didn't eat.

Everything just felt so useless at this point.

I had several missed calls from Mina , from my parents , and from Niki.

I knew we were supposed to break off any contact, but I knew Niki wouldn't do that . So I decided to.

It broke me to just sit there and watch his caller ID pop up on my screen and for me not to pick up his call.

Parting my lips ,I heaved a deep , sad , lonely sigh before blocking his phone number so he couldn't contact me anymore.

I didn't want him getting in any more trouble because of me.

"I miss you niki.." I mumbled to myself . I felt myself getting emotional again, I couldn't help it .

I started sobbing , covering my face with my hands , muffling the sounds of my cries from being heard around the house.

I felt light headed . I knew it was because I was out in the rain and hadn't changed my clothes , but again, I didn't care.

I hadn't left my bed since I came home. I didn't plan on leaving it any time soon either.

well that was until I heard a slight click on my window. At first I just shook it off because it could've been the rain or something, but it kept repeating the sound.

The second time I looked over at my window to see nothing. I sighed and tried to ignore the sound, luckily it stopped.

I closed my eyes , trying to stop tears from flowing down my face unwillingly , but I couldn't.

a loud clap of thunder roared and shook the whole house. I flinched and curled up into a ball on my bed , shivering from both fear and cold.

I tried calming myself by focusing on the rain , not the thunder .. but then I heard a faint knock on my window.

My breathing sped up, I didn't want to look.

I hesitantly shifted my gaze to the window , and widened my eyes in shock at the sight.

It was Niki...

I jumped up and rushed towards my window. I was hesitant to open it , but I didn't want him to catch a cold.

I opened the window and pulled Niki out of the pouring rain. "Niki why are you out there?! You could catch a cold!" I scolded him. My voice dry and scratchy from all the crying I've done.

I closed my eyes and I took in a deep breath , reminding myself that I have to let him go.

I opened up my eyes just to see Niki staring at me with regret , sympathy , but mostly worry. "you've been crying all day.. haven't you?" He whispered.

I forgot my face was a mess due to crying. I quickly sniffled and wiped my face. "Niki you have to go" I whispered.

He was about to object but I stopped him by speaking. "Niki you have a career. You have fans that love you , and I'm sorry for letting my emotions control my decisions . I should've reminded myself that you have to put your career before your love life. I was blinded by my feelings for you that I made all of this mess because I wanted to be with you." I said , looking into his eyes.

Tears were already welling up in my eyes. I was about to reach my breaking point and I was trying so hard to hold it in , because I don't want the person I love with my whole heart to see me at this low.

"y/n listen I-" Niki whispered , trying to come close to me , but I backed away.

"Niki ... you've heard what Mr. Bang had to say about our relationship. I will not sacrifice your whole career that you've worked hard for go down the drain because of me!" I slightly raised my voice.

It was silent after I had said that.. both of us shocked at the way I had just yelled.

I sighed.

"look Niki.. we like each other , we don't love each other.." I stopped and sadly chuckled.

"well , I do , I'm so in love with you niki, but this-" I said , pointing to the both of us. "this will never work because you can't love me or anyone without risking your whole damn career .. so please lea-" I was about to tell him to leave , but then the unexpected happened.

I felt nikis warm , soft lips on mine...

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