Chapter 16

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y/n walked into her house with a smile hammered into her face while Niki walked away trying to figure out what he was feeling.

Y/n knew if Riki ever confessed that she would have to try and make him remember that he has a career , but I'm the inside she knew that she would never be able to reject the idol she's been crushing on ever since he was in I-land.

Niki on the other hand didnt know what this new feeling was , he had a idea , but he wanted to spend more time with y/n to make sure it's what he thinks his feelings are.

Niki had only ever read about two people falling in love , but he had never felt what it's like . on his walk back to the dorm , he decided that he should ask his hyungs about how he feels.


I finally arrived back at our dorm and opened the door . I took off my shoes and coat before entering the living room.

All of my hyungs were still there watching TV again.

"uh, hyungs can I speak with y'all for a minute?" I hesitantly asked. They all looked over at me , nodding their heads.

Sunghoon hyung muted the television, and everyone sat in a circle again.

"what's going on Niki?" Jungwon asked me.

I sighed. "so you all know y/n.." I started. they all either nodded their heads or hummed as a response.

"well I .. I don't know. I know I've only known her for 3 days but every time I'm around her it's like just seeing her makes me feel happy. I get all shy when she compliments me , the way she acts is adorable to me , the way she's always worried or concerned about me , and whenever she does the simplest things , it doesn't fail to make me smile. I don't know what this feeling is.." I explained.

"everytime I'm with her it's like bam , a happy bomb exploded in me. Like at the fan meeting . I was so sad and angry , but then she came along and it was if the whole world hating on me meant nothing because she made me happy. Hyungs I don't know what this feeling is ... I am saying all of this hoping that y'all could shed some light ?" I finished .

I looked at them , they all looked the same ... it was weird. They all had a smile on their faces that a dad would normally make when their kids go off to college or something.

"ahh Niki. you're growing up so fast.." Jay commented.

"does she always make you feel special..? Like no other person in the world exists except for the two of you?" Jungwon asked.

I nodded my head.

"Niki.. that feeling... that's the feeling of falling in love.." Sunoo hyung spoke.

I froze . So my assumptions were correct, I am falling deeply for this girl.

"now yes this is a good thing.. but Niki you have to understand the consequences of this. If Producer Bang doesn't approve for you to have a relationship ... they will force you two to seperate and lose contact with each other. and if y'all fail to do that he will go as far as kicking you out of the band." Heeseung hyung explained.

I sighed , dropping my head to the ground.

"but if you're willing to fight for her ... then so are we." Jake spoke up. I looked at him.

"I mean look at the big picture. 4 days ago niki barely went out of his room, he barely ate , and was sad all the time. Then y/n comes into the picture . I've never seen this kid so happy in my life . If producer bang can't except that she is your happiness, then so be it. I know I'll be by your side defending the both of you." Jake said.

I smiled .

"me too" Sunoo said.

"me three.."

"me four.."

"me five.."

"me six.."

we all looked at the last person to join, and it was heeseung. He gave me a warm smile.

"me seven.." he finally spoke.

I gave them all my biggest smile I could manage and they all buried me in a group hug...


after Niki had confirmed that he was for sure falling for y/n , he made sure to always make time to talk to her .

Over the next 4 months he made sure to at least send her a text message every day. They often met at the small cafe after y/n had gotten off of school.

They would go to the park together , hang out with the members at their dorm, just chat at the local cafe , and things like this.

There was a period where Niki and the other enhypen members were preparing for a song drop and they all were really busy , but that didn't stop Niki from calling y/n everyday just to hear her voice.

over time , y/n never failed to constantly check up on Niki . she would always ask things like has he eaten , we're fans treating him well , if he was tired , or if he was doing ok.

Jake and Mina had also gotten close. they would often tag along when y/n and Niki would go out to the cafe or if they went to the arcade.

Things were going well , but there was a constant thing bothering Niki.

He knew he liked y/n , but he didn't know what would happen if he confessed to her . He was scared of rejection , but he was also scared of what would happen to his career if his managers didn't approve of him having a relationship.

The future scared him , but he knew he wasn't going to lose his love , y/n.

Y/n on the other hand was panicking . She realized that the more they hung was just making her feelings for him grow.

She knew when she met him for the first time at the fan meeting that she had the biggest crush on him, but hanging out with the guys you've liked for almost 3 years is just making her feelings for him stronger...

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