chapter 24

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enha classroom🥊🫣

Niki :
guys I need your help

Bambi 👀
Niki where the hell are you?! Our managers are looking for you.

Niki :
if I tell you , promise me you won't tell them

yang garden🐑
we promise but seriously where are you?

Niki :
I'm at y/n's place..

Jongseong ‼️
dude you're dead if Bang PD finds out

Niki :
yes that's why I told y'all not to tell. and that's also why I need your help

sunshine☀️ :
how can we help?

Aussie boy 👦🏽
just tell us how we can help

Ice prince 🤴
idk if my handsome face can handle helping.. but I'll help anyways

Niki :
ok so the plan for tomorrow is...


I woke up and looked at the digital clock next to me which read 2:23 am.

I groaned. I started slightly shifting my position when I felt something pull my waist.

I looked at what I thought was a pillow only to gasp loudly , covering my mouth trying not to wake him up.

I didn't realize I had fallen asleep on Niki. I looked and the laptop was put on the bedside table and Niki was bear hugging me in his sleep.

Both his arms were wrapped around my waist and his face was buried in the crook of my neck.

who knew he'd be this clingy in his sleep.

I slowly brought my hand to his hair and silently played with it while trying to fall back asleep.

I replayed all of the events that had happened in the last 24 hours and my eyes started welling up with tears again.

my crying must've woken up Niki , because I felt him move in my embrace.

"why are you awake at this hour?" He asked in a groggy voice.

I didn't answer. more like I couldn't because my voice would break if I did. He must've sensed that.

He lifted his head out of my neck and looked at my face which was now covered with hot tears streaming down my face.

"yah why are you crying again?" He asked . Concern laced in his gaze.

I couldn't hold it anymore , so I just wrapped my arms around him and buried my head in his chest while crying.

"I'm... so s-scared" I said in between sobs.

"I'm scared of the .. the consequences of what we're doing. I'm scared I'll be ripped away from you. I'm scared your career will end because of me, I'm-" I rambled on, but was cut short when Niki pulled my face out of his chest.

he looked at me with care. he gently used his thumbs to wipe away my tears before tucking a stray hair out of my face.

"whatever comes our way, we're going to get through it together ok? no matter how hard things get, I'm never letting you go" Niki quietly assured me.

that girl - nishimura Riki Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant