Chapter 5

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"yah I think our plan worked , look at him . he's smiling like an idiot." I whispered to jungwon.

he nodded with a smile.

"yeah. I'm glad the other members agreed to help us out with it" Jungwon replied.


"ok guys so there was this comment on Weverse and it made Niki smile. And recently all of the comments just make him cry , so this one is important" Jungwon explained to the other members.

Niki was at the dance studio , trying to clear his mind while we were all at the dorm discussing the plan.

"the person also said 'see you at the fan meeting' so what I'm thinking is , at the fan meeting we go through everyone like normal , but give off little hints that only that person would know." Jungwon explained.

"hints? What hints could we give that would make us seem normal and not suspicious?" Sunghoon asked.

"stuff like asking who their bias is , or what's their username on Weverse . they might even ask us how nikis been doing if they really care for him" Jay explained.

"yah Jungwon-ssi, what was the username of the comment?" I asked.

"it is nishimuramanimura" he replied.

Sunoo chuckled. "that's a true engene right there." He said.

"ok well , let's hope our plan works to find the person and make sure Niki knows it's her. so whoever sits next to Niki , ask what their Weverse name is so that Niki is bound to hear it" Jungwon instructed .

we all nodded , understanding the plan and continued on with our day.


I looked over at Niki to see his gaze never leaving the girl's as she walked out of the venue.

a smile plastered onto his face.

all of the members were secretly glancing at Niki to see his reaction.

"alright guys that's a wrap!" The staff cheered. We all got up and bowed , thanking them for their hard work .

Niki shot out of his seat and went to our manager. i followed him to make sure he didn't do anything stupid.

"what ? you want us to go and get her right now?!" The staff asked Niki.

"yes please manager-nim." Niki begged. I walked in. "what's going on?" I asked.

"Niki wants us to go out there to the y/n girl and give her these tickets to the concert tomorrow." Our manger explained.

I looked down at nikis hands to see 2 VIP tickets for our concert tomorrow.

I took in a deep breath before saying what I thought. "If you won't take them let Niki take them. or I'll take them myself." I defended Niki.

the manager looked at us in shock. he deeply sighed .

"be back in 10 minutes or else I'm telling producer Bang about this , got it?" The manager sternly instructed us.

we both nodded and headed out to where y/n should have been.


after I walked out of the venue I texted Mina asking where she was , and she told me that she had held it in too long and was now blowing up the bathroom.

how fun.

so I found a bench right outside the venue and sat down , waiting for her to come back out.

I sat for about 2 minutes before I felt a presence standing infront of me. I moved my phone out of the way and saw a pair of shoes standing infront of me.

my eyes slowly trailed up the persons body, from their legs , to their stomach, to their chest, to their face.

Once I saw his face I nearly passed out. "Niki, what are you doing out here?! There could be crazy fans!" I asked , concerned for him.

I got up and grabbed his wrist leading him back inside , but once we got back inside he pulled me back , making me stumble into his chest.

I was blushing at the skinship that was being shared.

"I wanted to give you something.." he said. god damnit that deep voice was making my legs shake.

"g-give me what?" I asked, cursing myself for stuttering. his hands were still around my small frame .

he took one hand into his pocket and pulled out 2 slim pieces of paper. "these" he said.

I grabbed them out of his hand and looked at them. My mouth dropped as I read what they said on the front.

"Niki-ssi I can't except these. It's wouldn't be fair to other fans-" I said, giving him back the tickets.

"the other fans won't be there for me, but you will. you said so yourself." Niki said, putting the tickets back into my hand .

I glanced at the tickets. "what's the difference between a regular ticket and a VIP one? I could just buy my own ticket . I don't want to trouble you. You already have a lot to deal with.." I mumbled, but he heard it.

"those VIP tickets can get you special access to things. like maybe meeting us again.." Niki hinted.

my eyes widened in shock, but I pretended to be all cool about it.

"why are you insisting so much for me to take these tickets?" I chuckled but stopped when his face became serious.

he walked closer to me. I walked backwards trying to keep a distance between us since I didn't want anyone to get the wrong idea.

I kept backing up until my back hit the cold wall. I cursed my luck.

Suddenly a hand went to the side of my head . Is this some sorta k-drama? I thought to myself.

Niki was right infront of me with one hand against the wall, trapping me.

"because I want to see you again, ok?" He said , in a deep voice. I nodded, feeling small under his gaze.

he smiled and backed away. "good. now go home and get some sleep so you and your friend can be prepared for our concert tomorrow" he said , walking away.

I stood there shocked at what had just happened.

"hold on a second.. TOMORROW?!" I said to myself, panicking. "oh shit Mina!" I remembered my friend who was probably looking for me right now.

I ran out of the venue and saw Mina waiting on the same bench I was sat on a couple minutes ago.

"yah! Where the hell were you?!" She questioned me as I caught her attention.

"shutup and let me explain what the fuck just happened to me.." I said..

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