Chapter 27

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I ended the call and was about to pick y/n up, but then I spotted her phone that was completely destroyed on the ground next to her.

I picked it up and put it in my pocket before carefully picking up y/n and putting her on my back.

I quickly carried her out the house and to our dorms.



I slowly started to be able to feel my body again. After passing out I couldn't feel anything.

I groaned as all the pain started hitting me again.

"y/n? are you awake?" I heard. I slowly opened my eyes to see my body on someone's back.

"sir I don't know who... you are but I have a boyfriend... and if he sees this he's going to beat you up" I said weakly , not looking at the person.

"y/n it's me Niki, your boyfriend.." he responded.

I looked at his body and realized that it really was him. "n-Niki?" I gasped.

I tightened my hold on him and started crying. "I- I was so scared Niki. I couldn't do anything." I sobbed , my face in the crook of his neck.

"I should have been there to protect you from whoever did this to you. It's all my fault." Niki said , his voice breaking a bit.

I shook my head . "don't you dare blame yourself for this. I was careless. I'll explain everything that happened , but I'm really tired right now. my whole body hurts." I said , calming down.

"I know love . We're almost to the dorm. just hang in there a bit longer" he said. I looked up and saw the dorm complex in my view.

I kept my face in his neck , inhaling his scent.

soon enough we had reached the dorm and he quickly opened the door and we were bombarded by the members.

"Y/N!" They all gasped . they all looked at me with worry. I tried to out on a smile so they wouldn't worry but I was so tired and weak.

"take her to your room, we'll bring the stuff" Jay told Niki who followed jay's instructions.

Niki brought me to his bed and carefully laid me down. I groaned in pain when my back made contact with the mattress.

"sorry!" Niki quickly apologized.

I held his hand , squeezing it to reassure him I was ok. The other members came in with a bunch of medical stuff.

"we asked the staff what would be best and they gave us all of these" Jake said.

Niki thanked them and they all left.

Niki grabbed a cotton pad and put some water on it and started cleaning my face.

"aigoo you've got dried blood all on your face" Niki mumbled. He wasn't showing it , but I knew he wanted to hurt someone . He was mad.

he cleaned my face and treated the bruises on my face , arms , and legs.

"y/n if you're ok with it, I need you to take off your shirt so that I can treat the bruises on your stomach and back." Niki shyly asked.

I nodded. "I need help" I mumbled. he understood what I meant and immediately went to me and helped me sit up.

Moving hurt so he also had to help me take off my shirt. this was awkward.

we both were blushing once my stomach was revealed. Niki cleared his throat and started treating my bruises.

he touched one right by my waist and it was more painful than the others. "ah" I groaned.

He quickly pulled his hands off of me and looked at me , concerned if he had hurt me.

"that one hurts more" I whined. He looked at me with this look that I didn't want him to have.

he looked concerned and sad, I knew he was blaming this whole thing on himself. So I tried to be strong and not make him feel bad.

"just- a little softer on that one. you're doing great bub" I encouraged him.

He was hesitant , but soon finished treating all of my bruises . Now all I needed to do was change but... if I had Niki help me it'd be way too awkward.

"one sec.. JAKE HYUNG!" He called for Jake who came in an instant.

"can you call Mina and ask her to come over. y/n needs to change but.." he stopped and glanced at me who was staring at him.

I looked away to hide my red cheeks.

"but um... yeah." Niki said.

"sure. But how why do you want me to call her?" He asked Niki.

"because she'll do anything if you say it" me and Niki said in unison.

Jake blushed and went away.

I chuckled. We were alone again, so I took this opportunity to talk to Niki.

I grabbed his hand and he put all of his attention on me. "Niki." I said.

"I know you're blaming yourself for all of this . Please don't. You couldn't have predicted the future. Don't put this on you, I'm the one whose at fault." I said, stroking his hand.

"y/n part of this is my fault. If I would've invited you to come watch us shoot , or if I would've stopped by earlier or if-" I stopped him by cupping his face and pulling his lips to mine.

One hand made its way to my jaw while the other lightly caressed my waist. We both were miserable without each other today , and all of the emotions were being portrayed in this very kiss.

I pulled away and connected our foreheads. "stop with the 'what if's' what's done is done. we can only move forward" I said.

Niki sighed , but nodded his head.

"I missed you today.." I confessed. he looked into my eyes before pecking my lips. "you don't know how crazy I was going when you hadn't texted me all day" he whispered.

I gasped. "my phone?!" I realized I hadn't seen it since this morning. "yeah about that , I have it but it's destroyed. also I asked my staff to go and clean your house . well the basic stuff , we have to go and clean up stuff like the pictures and stuff..." he explained.

I nodded my head. we were interrupted by Jake who walked into the room. me and Niki looked at him .

"uh Mina is on vacation with her family." Jake explained. "oh that's right , she's in bali" I recalled.

Jake left and that left me and Niki alone again.

"um.. I could help you. I'll- I'll put something over my eyes! I'll just be there for you to lean on." Niki rambled.

I laughed at how flustered he was. I held his hand. "Calm down, it's not like we're strangers" I joked.

he nervously chuckled and helped me to his closet . "you have so many clothes" I gasped at how big his closet was , but he had sooo many clothes.

"I'm a fashion icon what can I say" he said , confidently.

"I don't know , I kind of like jakes style better" I teased. "yah" he pouted. I chuckled and ruffled his hair.

he picked out a shirt and sweatpants that were too small for him and put a sock over his eyes.

I was holding his shoulder while trying to put on his sweatpants. I stumbled a bit but he was right there to catch me.

Putting on the shirt was easy so that didn't take that long. We went back to his bed and laid down.

"y/n.. if it's ok with you ... can you tell me what happened?" Niki asked with a soft voice...

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