Chapter 18

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"damn , I didn't know Niki could be this cling and overprotective" y/n said , trying to tease me.

"only when it comes to you.." I said , but she was so busy getting ready , I don't think she heard what I had said.

just you wait y/n... soon you'll know...



I had finished getting ready and had told Niki he could come earlier if he wanted , so he was on his way right now.

He had been over so much in the past 4 months , this is practically his second hom.. well 3rd home? because his home in Japan , the dorm , and here.. yknow what nevermind.

I was grabbing a couple snacks and stuff while making sure the house wasn't too messy.

suddenly the door bell rang, signaling that Niki was here. I ran to the door with a big smile on my face , excited to see him.

I opened the door and saw Niki with a mask on and a bag full of snacks in his hands.

"Niki!" I said , happily. I let him in and he put his stuff down and took off his mask before opening his arms.

"where's my hug?" He asked me, pouting.

I giggled and ran into his arms. he embraced me, his hugs never got old, every time it felt like being hugged by a giant teddy bear.

we were both a smiling mess . Niki picked my up and was spinning me around making the both of us laugh.

Now you might be thinking ... we're totally together.. but no, that's just me and niki's way of expressing how grateful we are for each other...

Ok that's why I think he acts like this but I act like that because dude I'm head over heels for this guy.

Trying to forget my feelings , I pulled away from the hug with a smile on my face. "how are you ?" I asked him.

he gave me a warm smile before nodding. "now that I've seen you my day is amazing" Niki said , keeping me in his arms.

I obviously blushed at his flirtatious manners. He laughed and pinched my cheeks. "yahh you're so cute" he said in a baby voice.

I chuckled and pulled his hands off of my face.

"wanna watch a movie ? I got snacks and pizza. oh and also my parents are on another business trip so they won't be back for another week." I asked him.

"sure. but only if I get cuddles." He said , pouting while crossing his arms.

I giggled and nodded my head.

I grabbed his hand and pulled him towards the movie room we had and put on a film for us to watch.

I chose the Kissing Booth because I hadn't seen it yet and it looked interesting.

I got a blanket , our snacks , turned off the lights , and went to where Niki was sitting on the couch.

"come here bub" he said , scooting closer to me . We both were covered with the blanket , and we were both very , very close to each other.

I still get butterflies every time I'm this close to him. His normal cologne that he always wears making my nose go crazy , his warmth , and don't get me started on the muscles on this man.

I tried my best to hide my emotions but it was definitely a challenge when we were normally this close to each other.

The way we were sitting was my legs were on top of nikis and he had one hand over my shoulder and one holding my hand under the blanket.

It's safe to say , my stomach was doing backflips at this point.

we continued to watch the movie , but Elle and Noah's kissing scene came on , and I don't know why , but I slowly turned my head to face Niki.

I saw him already looking back at me.

I gulped nervously.

we were both just staring into each other's eyes , but nikis gaze flickered down to my lips.

I nervously licked my lips as I did the same to him.

his lips were slim but plush with a hint of red tinting them. the little freckle under his lips was cute to me.

my eyes were stuck in his lips , I didn't want to look back up because I was afraid to look back into his eyes.

Niki must have realized this because the next thing he did was put his hand under my chin , making my head level with his.

I hesitantly looked up into his eyes , feeling shy all of a sudden. his eyes curled up , showing me his eye smile .

He leaned closer to me , placing a lasting kiss on my forehead before leaning away and focusing back on the movie.

I was at a loss for words , not only did he just kiss my head but my heart was literally about to bust because of this man.

I faced the screen again, hiding my red cheeks.


the movie had finished and now me and Niki were just talking , the room was dark and the only source of light was the TV.

"wait Niki I just remembered something.." I said , remembering our conversations from earlier.

"what's up?" He said , focusing all of his attention on me.

"earlier when we were on the phone , you said that you needed to tell me something." I reminded him.

He seemed to tense up in nervousness when I said that. "oh yeah.." he mumbled.

He looked at me , nervously glancing between his hands and me. I could sense he was nervous about whatever he needed to say , so I tried calming him down.

"Niki if you don't want to tell me you don't have to" I said , grabbing his hands in mine.

he shook his head, interlacing his fingers with mine.

"no I need to tell you this" he said , looking into my eyes. I stayed quiet, waiting for him to speak.

"ok , before I say this ... please just ... even if you reject this , don't distance yourself from me . I cant afford to lose you.." he said , a pleasing look in his eyes.

I nodded and waited for him to continue.

"y/n .. I like you..."

that girl - nishimura Riki Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant