Chapter 20

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It had been about a month since me and Niki had made it official , and to be honest , being with him was the best thing that could've ever happened.

I was home alone again and I accidentally fell asleep on the couch because I started watching the 3rd movie of the Kissing Booth series , but ended up falling asleep.

I checked the time and it was half past 12 in the morning. I yawned and opened up my phone to see a billion notifications going off on my phone.

I scrunched my face in confusion. "why are so many people tagging me and commenting on my stuff ?" I mumbled to myself.

I opened up Instagram and saw that I had tons of notifications in my inbox. I clicked on the first one I saw and dropped my phone in horror.

(pls pretend that this photo was taken further away and pls pretend that , that is Niki 😭)

(pls pretend that this photo was taken further away and pls pretend that , that is Niki 😭)

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engene518 : guys look ! I was walking home and saw Niki from Enhypen hugging a girl!! I was told that this girl is @y/n_05

holy shit.

I clicked on my page and saw that I had gained over 100,000 followers since I last checked.

people were commenting under my post. Some of them were nice but some of them were just really horrible.

"they look so cute together!!"

"please she's ugly, Niki really has no taste"

"why would Niki go out with this rat. I'm much better than she ever will be"

"wtf🤢 she looks like she's poor and smells of poor people. Niki oppa give me a chance , I'm way better than her~"

my heart broke at what people were saying about me. Yeah , I am worried sick for Niki because this is all going to go back on him, but what these people are saying to me hurts.

I closed myself in my room and cried.

I knew I should've stopped reading those comments , but I didn't . Instead I was up all night reading everything , every word those people said about me.

by the time I looked up it was 9am the next morning. I hadn't got a wink of sleep. I was constantly going between my social media pages , looking at articles that were already being made about this , and texting Niki asking if he was ok.

he wasn't answering me. I assumed the news had already gotten to him and the company, so now I was just waiting for any kind of communication from anyone.

Until then , I just continued checking every article , comment , and post that I was tagged in , making myself feel like shit.

I didn't even care to do anything other than do my hair in a messy bun and brush my teeth. I didn't care about how I looked at the moment , all I cared about was making sure Niki was ok and that this matter gets resolved.

after about 3 hours , I got a notification from my messages again. I sniffled , picking up my phone and opening the message.

My cheeks were stained with tears and my face was hot from crying.

NIKI ‼️❤️

Come to the company asap
Sent at 1:02pm

well I'm fucked.

I looked out the window to see it pouring down rain , well this day just can't get any fucking better .

I sighed. I grabbed my converse and headed to the front door about to grab an umbrella , but then I realized that my parents had taken the only one we had with them on their business trip.

I hate today.

I sighed , pulling my hood over my head and started my walk to Be:Lift in the pouring rain.

very small timeskip

I made it to the company and walked in , looking like a complete wreck.

My hood didn't help much at all so I was soaking wet and looked like a homeless woman. I looked how I felt if that makes any sense.

I went in to the front desk. "hi , I'm supposed to be meeting with uhm... nishimura Riki?" I said.

It's like everyone knew what I was there for after I said that. Some people were giving me a look of disgust , some with a look of sympathy.

I just looked down at my feet while the lady directed me as to where the meeting was being held.

I quickly thanked her and made my way to the meeting room. I stood outside the door , debating whether to go in or run away.

Unfortunately , the door opened revealing Producer Bang and Niki. "are you y/n?" Mr.Bang asked.

I nodded my head.

"well get in here then." He said harshly. I glanced at Niki to see him staring at me with concern.

I shook his gaze off and followed Mr.Bang into the meeting room. He sat at a desk while me and Niki sat on 2 separate chairs.

"now you both know why I've called you here so let me make this quick. are you or are you not in a romantic relationship with each other?" He asked us.

I lowered my head , ashamed for letting my feelings get the best of my decisions.

"producer-nim maybe we shouldn't-" Niki started to talk but was cut off. "I've heard enough from you niki. now y/n , ANSWER ME!" He said , raising his voice.

I slightly flinched at his loud voice. I looked at Niki , and then looked at producer bang. "yes Mr.Bang.." I said.

he scoffed. "Niki you know the consequences of this. AND you kept this a secret?!" He fumed.

Me and Niki were both dead silent. "listen here y/n. Idols are meant to produce great music , love their fans , and become a family with their band members. they aren't supposed to get involved with silly little girls like you because then that steers them off track and makes them lose focus on their career and work.." he yelled at me.

I felt hot tears building up in my eyes, but I was trying my best to keep them hidden. I couldn't let Niki see me cry.

"so because of this , dispicable choice you two have made, I have no choice.." he spoke .

Me and Niki looked at him , hoping it wasn't what we feared.

"I am ordering the both of you to annihilate any communication you have between each other , I want you two to break away from each other completely , and most importantly I am telling the two of you to break up..."

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