Chapter 22

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before I could even finish my sentence , Niki rushed over to me , wrapping his arms around me securely before leaning in and connecting our lips .

I was shocked. This was my first kiss...

he knew I would try and fight against it , that's why he secured his arms around me so I wouldn't be able to move.

One hand was wrapped around my waist , pulling me against him, leaving no space between our bodies . while the other was cupping the nape of my neck , pulling me closer.

I tried to fight it , I really did , but in the end ... I gave in to the burning passion , I kissed back.

Niki must've sensed that I had given in because I felt him smiling against my lips before moving his lips against mine.

my hands grabbed the collar of his hoodie as I pulled down on it , trying to make his face to level with mine.

we kissed for ...... a while.

We had to break away to catch our breaths but Niki connected our foreheads together , allowing me no space to escape.

I was looking down , I couldn't look back into his eyes because I knew the tears I'd held back would flow down.

"you didn't let me speak.." Niki whispered , he was still close to my face . so close that when he spoke I could feel his breath fan my face.

"y/n I'm in love with you. You've made me fall endlessly in love with you . Ever since the day I saw you I knew I had no choice but to fall for you" Niki confessed , still whispering.

I stayed silent , staring at the floor as if it was the most interesting thing in the world.

"y/n look at me.." he whispered , trying to find my eyes with his.

I ignored his words, still keeping my eyes glued to the ground. I heard Niki sigh.

He put his fingers under my chin , lifted my face up to be level with his , and then connected our lips once more.

I gasped.

I didn't respond , but I didn't pull away either. As if Niki knew I needed something to make me give in , he moved his hand that was cupping my cheek and slowly trailed it down.

His hand softly trailed down my neck , to the side of my torso , to my waist . His touch just sent shivers down my spine , and I once again gave in to what I wanted.

I moved a hand up to the nape of his neck, pulling him closer to me, deepening the kiss.

we broke apart again. "if you keep ignoring me I will keep kissing you like this" he said in between breaths.

I blushed.

I looked up into his dark brown orbs , getting myself lost in them. "y/n will you listen to me?" He whispered.

I stayed silent. "y/n , I do not care that I'm putting my career at risk. because even if my contract gets dropped , I'll still have you. the person who makes me happy without even trying. The girl that I love." He said , grabbing my hands in his.

I looked down , concealing the tears that started to flow down , but Niki held my head back up and saw my face.

he looked worried. "aigoo, you need to change , you could get sick!" He said , seeing that I was still in my wet clothes from earlier.

he hands gently wiped the tears off of my face , but that didn't make them stop falling.

"yah why are you crying?" He softly asked me , holding my face in his hands as if I would break if his grip was too strong.

"I'm so sorry.." was all I could utter before breaking down in front of him , collapsing in his arms.

I buried my face in his chest and held onto him as if my life depended on it.

My cries echoed in my room.

"I'm so sorry that this all happened and I'm sorry that I'm so in love with you that I can't push you away" I sobbed.

He just stood quietly , rubbing my back .

"and I hope those people weren't mean to you.. you don't deserve any of this. I deserve everything people are saying to me" I sobbed even harder , remembering the comments that people had made about me.

he tensed up. "what have people been saying about you?" His voice was still soft , but I could hear an edge to it.

"they said a lot of stuff. Mostly about my appearance and how I didn't deserve you." I said , slightly calmer than I was a few minutes ago.

"but they're right..." I said .

Niki pulled my face off of his chest and gave me a stern look. "I mean I've gotten you in all of this mess , I don't deserve you af-" I was cut off with Niki pulling me into a tight hug.

"don't you ever say nonsense like that again. you are the only person in the world that deserves me. Stop looking at those comments because I know that's all you've been doing since the picture got leaked." He said in a deep , stern voice.

I sniffled while nodding my head.

"I will find a way for us to be happy, arraseo?" He asked me softly , pulling away from the hug.

I nodded shyly.

"ok now let's get you cleaned up, your shivering. You might catch a cold." Niki said , pulling me to my bed.

"to make you feel better , I brought some clothes that are too small for me for you to wear" he said , giving me a warm smile.

I weakly smiled at him. I couldn't really show it , but I was really thankful that Niki was doing this for me.

He handed me the clothes and told me to take a warm shower while he cooked us some food.

"uhhh Niki , do you know how to cook?" I asked him , remembering what happened when he tried to cook bungeoppang.

"yah ! Just go take a shower and I'll worry about the food" he said , making me chuckle.

"don't burn my house down!" I called out as I closed the bathroom door...

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