Chapter 9

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something was hurting my scalp so I tried lifting my head to see what it was , but that made it hurt even more.

"yah! Get your filthy ass hands off of my bestfriend!" Mina yelled. That's when I figured out what was happening.

The girl behind me got 'too excited' so she decided to grab a fist full of my hair and tried dragging my face down so that Niki could see her.

Mina grabbed the girls wrist trying to pry her off of me, but the girl ended up falling on our side of the barricade.

Now she was ontop of me , pulling at my hair, saying things like "tell me how you got these damn tickets!" And "I'm going to hurt you if you don't tell me".

Tears were streaming down my face at the pain that I was enduring. "someone help her!" It sounded like Niki, begging for someone to help me.

That's when I realized the music had stopped and everyone's attention was on me.

I was really embarrassed , but Mina and me were both still trying to pry the girl off of me.

After 5 minutes of trying to get out of the girls grasp , the security at the bottom of the stage finally came and pulled her off of me.

"you bitch , tell me where you got them from!" She yelled as the security took her away.

I looked like a hot mess, my face was stained with old and new tears , my hair was all messed up, and worst of all , I was humiliated.

I groaned as I sat up. I felt my head , feeling something wet or damp on it . My hand felt where it felt wet , and when I brought my hand to my face , I saw it covered in red blood.

"y/n we need to treat that right now" Mina said , looking at my bleeding head.

I shook my head . "no , it's f-fine. I'll be fine" I said , starting to feel light headed.


I knew she would be stubborn about getting herself treated , but luckily a security guard came towards us and told us to follow him.

The concert resumed like as if nothing had happened , while I wrapped an arm around y/n who was losing her consciousness to where the security guard was leading us.

he lead us underneath the stage , into what seemed to be a medical room. "Um sir , there's really no need for this. I cant just tak-" I said, not wanting to pay a lot of money here.

"we've been asked to treat her here for free. Our way of saying sorry that this happened to you" he said , walking away.

I stood there , wondering who the fuck told them to get her treated , because they must care a lot about her.

I shook off my thoughts and looked for things to treat her bleeding head. "Mina I don't feel too good" y/n mumbled.

"it's because you've lost a little bit of blood from your head , of course you're going to feel sick or nauseous." I explained to her.

"yah, let me do that.." a deep male voice said from behind me. I turned around and literally gasped and almost fell.

"NIKI?!" I shouted. Y/n's head shot up at the mention of his name . "shh, I've only got 15 minutes!" Niki said , putting a finger up to his mouth , telling me to be quiet.

I nodded , kind of malfunctioning , handing him the stuff I got to treat y/n.


"Niki you need to worry about performing , not me . go." I said , trying to make my voice louder.

"umm, I'm gonna just... wait outside.." Mina said , before quickly exiting the medical room.

Niki sat down beside me and started opening up the stuff to treat my head.

"how can I not worry about you?" He mumbled to himself , but I heard it.

"Niki go. I can have Mina do this. I can be distracting you and keeping you away from your fa-" I started telling him , but I stopped talking when he brought his face dangerously close to mine.

I moved my face back a bit. " stop talking , and let me treat you" he said in that deep voice.

I obediently nodded my head and he smiled and put the ointment on the cotton swab and started putting the medicine on my head.

"ahh , it stings" I whined. Niki stopped for a moment before giving me his hand.

"squeeze my hand if it hurts too much." He said , grabbing my hand in his giant one.

I blushed.

Niki continued to apply the medicine to my head while I squeezed his hand , enduring the stinging pain.

"arraseo , I've treated your wound." Niki said , getting up to throw away the trash.

he came back and sat right next to me again, gazing into my eyes. "are you ok?" He asked , bringing his hand up to cup both of my cheeks.

"yah Niki, what if someone sees us. I don't want to get you in trouble." I said , shaking off his hand.

He sighed, putting his hands on either side of my hips and pulling me closer to him.

I was shocked at his sudden move and couldn't hide my red face. "first of all , you can only see through the windows if you're in here..." he said.

"and second of all , when are you going to stop worrying about me and worry about yourself?" He asked me.

I looked at him. "why are you treating me so differently ? why don't you treat all of your fans like this?" I retorted a question back at him.

"I already told you , I will tell you after the concert. but I'm not going to let you go back out there with those crazy fans. So here." He said , pulling out his phone from his pocket.

"give me your phone" he asked , putting his hand out waiting for me to give him my phone.

I slowly took my phone out while eyeing him suspiciously. He chuckled .

I saw him typing something before handing me my phone back. "now stay back here , I've already let the staff know that you and Mina should be back here. If anything happens or if you need something , just text me and I'll be here as fast as I can" Niki explained.

I nodded.

"Niki , we have to be out in 3 minutes!" I heard someone yell from outside of the room.

Niki sighed. He got up and delicately grabbed my wrist , making me follow him.

we walked out of the medical room and put into the hallway. "cover your face with this" Niki whispered to me , handing me a mask.

I quickly took it and put it on as he continued to lead me to wherever he was taking me.

we entered a room that had an illuminated mirror with a bunch of clothes and makeup.

"this is my dressing room. do not leave this room u less it's for something like the bathroom. Mina is in jake's dressing room. I'll be back after the concert. You can watch us through this monitor" Niki explained , showing me a TV .

I nodded .

He smiled at me , ruffled my hair , and started walking away. He opened the door , but stopped short.

"wait for me ... my y/n..."

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