Chatper 19

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As soon as those words left his mouth I froze.

"the day you came to that fan meeting , I knew you were the one for me , because you .. you were that girl for me y/n. you were the girl to make sure I was ok everyday , you were that girl to cheer me up when everyone hated me , you were the girl that turned my bad days into great ones that I'll never forget." Niki said , not breaking the eye contact.

I was speechless, I didn't know what to say.

my heart wanted him , but my mind was telling me otherwise.

"so ... I'm going to ask you this question.. and please answer honestly..." he continued.

No niki don't do it .. don't ask me that question..

"will you be my girlfriend?" He finally asked.

tears weee building up in my eyes. this. this right here is what I've always dreamed of , but now that it's happening ... I don't know what to do.

"Niki.. you know this could ruin your idol image and career.." I said , making sure he still knew the consequences of an idol dating.

"I know ... but as I've said before , I'm going to fight for you ... for us.. just give this a chance please" Niki said , cupping my face .

I looked into his eyes , I knew he was being sincere just by the pleading look in his eyes.

I took in a deep breath, calming myself before answering him.

"yes Niki ... I'll be your girl friend." I said .

the next thing I knew was I was being pushed back by the sudden impact of a giant nishimura Riki hugging me.

"thank you thank you thank you." He said all giggly.

I laughed as he was still bear hugging me. it was to the point where I couldn't move because his legs were wrapped around mine and he was on top of me , hugging me , making it impossible for me to move.

"yah - Niki .. I ca- cant move" I said , struggling a bit.

he giggled . "oops" he said , before pulling away from the hug , allowing me to sit up properly again.

"soo we do have to have rules though , if we don't want to get caught. my hyungs know about this but not my managers , producers , or anyone ok?" Niki started saying.

I nodded my head , pouting a bit. Niki started smiling . "yahh don't pout , it won't be that bad I promise" he said , pinching my cheek.

I sighed. "ok tell me what the limitations are" I said.

"so pretty much what we've been doing , wear masks everywhere when we're together , don't tell anyone except family or close friends , don't post anything , and last but not least , don't overthink. I know me being an idol and not talking to you for hours at a time may seem like you've done something wrong , but I promise you it'll always be something like I don't have my phone on me , arraseo ?" Niki explained.

I nodded my head. "cutie" he smiled , ruffling my hair.

"ok do you wanna watch another movie ? There's 2 more movies that come after this one" I asked him.

he checked his watch . "yeah it's only 3 and I don't have to be back until 9 , so let's do itt" he said.

I switched on the next movie before sitting back down on the couch. I was almost immediately engulfed into nikis arms.

"now I can be clingy all I want" he whispered into my ear. I swear this boy and his deep voice never fail to send shivers down my back.

I stayed silent while the movie played .

we both were eating the snacks we had gathered until they were all gone. "Niki all of our snacks are gone" I pouted.

"dumb dumb , did you not see I had bags with me when I came? I brought snacks too!" He said .

He got up and quickly got the bags from the front door and came running back.

I clapped my hands happily. "and of course I got your favorites" he said , handing me my favorite candies.

"thank you niki !!" I said , giving him a quick peck on his cheek before running back to the couch and hiding my face in the blanket because I was embarrassed that I just did that.

"baby I want another one" I heard Niki whine.

"another what?" I asked , my voice was muffled due to my face being in the blanket.

I heard some shuffling noises , but then it went quiet.

but suddenly my blanket was slowly pulled away from my face , making me meet nikis eyes.

"I want another kiss" he whispered , a slight pout forming on his lips.

my cheeks radiated heat due to his bold words. "..." I couldn't say anything.

"or you could give me a kiss somewhere else... like.. my lips" he said , slightly smirking .

I was blushing like crazy and my stomach was doing back flips.

I mustered up the courage to quickly , but gently , grab his face with my hands and place another peck on his other cheek.

As I pulled away I caught Niki smiling his perfect boxy smile before pulling me close to him and putting the blanket over our legs again.

"thank you" he whispered.

I smacked him on his leg for teasing me. He laughed at my unstable state before continuing to watch the movie.


it had now been 5 minutes but this baby refuses to leave because he didn't get a good bye hug or kiss.

"y/n I'm not leaving until I get something" Niki said , crossing his arms.

"Niki go! I already gave you lots of hugs and kisses. And what if someone sees you?!" I said , putting my hands on his shoulders trying to push him slightly.

instead my plan backfired and Niki grabbed my arm and pulled me into his warm embrace.

"I'm going to miss you bub. I won't be able to see you for the next 2 days because of training" Niki whispered.

I decided to just let it be and buried my face into nikis chest since he was so tall.

"I'm going to miss you too, but we can always call! And as soon as you're done with trainings we can hang out again." I said , trying to look at the bright side of things even though I didn't want him to leave either.

Niki pulled away but kept my hands in his.

"bye y/n.." he said , smiling.

"goodbye my Niki.. text me when you get home" I said.

he slowly let go of my hands and backed away , not breaking the eye contact.

I smiled as I watched him disappear into the darkness that consumed the night...

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