Chapter 12

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"BITCH ! he wants to call when I get home!" I yelled , causing Mina to flinch while driving.

"ok first of all , YOU DONT SHOUT WHEN IM DRIVING . and secondly , HE WHAT?!" She yelled .

"yes! He said he needs to remind me of something and to call him when I get home." I explained.

"girl, you're the main character at this point" Mina joked.

(yeah.. totally not in a wattpad story...)

I chuckled .


I had gotten home and washed up , trying to calm my nerves . I tried to take my time in the shower and take my time doing my night routine to distract myself from the fact that I will literally be calling my idol Niki.

I eventually couldn't think of anything else to do so I texted Niki , nervously waiting for his response.

Suddenly my phone started ringing. my heart beat increased at an unhealthy speed, my hands started shaking , I froze.

I quickly shook off the nerves not wanting to not answer Niki and answered the call.


Me - hi Riki.

Niki - hey. I don't have a lot of time but I made time for this because I wanted to let you know that you were wrong earlier.

Me - uhh.. wrong about what?

Niki - earlier you said that I was More important...

Me - uh yeah ... ?

Niki - well don't think that, because to me you're just as important to me .

I stayed silent , knowing I wouldn't be able to speak properly after he said that.

Niki - arraseo , I need to go . but don't forget that ok? If you do I'll come and hug you to death or until you have it memorized in your brain. got it?

Me - y-yep! Goodnight Niki! have a good rest and don't over work yourself.

Niki - goodnight my y/n

after he said that he hung up the call and oh my god , THIS BOY IS MAKING MY HEART PALPITATE IN WAYS I DIDNT THINK WAS POSSIBLE !

I dramatically held my hand to my heart feeling how fast it was beating .

"aigoo I shouldn't get my hopes up. he's an idol for goodness sakes." I hit myself with a reality check.

I decided to just sleep since it was already late.


I woke up to my stupid alarm going off , again.

"UGH SHUT UP!" I groaned , not wanting to get up for school since I was up late again last night.

I turned off my alarm and just sat there in my bed , contemplating whether to fake being sick to stay home.

I eventually got up and got ready for school , making sure to keep a frown on my face.

After I was ready to go , I grabbed my phone and went downstairs to get a banana and my lunch for today before heading out the door to hell... I mean school. (😐)

I decided to check my phone if I had gotten any notifications since last night and surprisingly I had 2 texts messages.

One was from Mina saying she was heading to school , but the other was from Niki.

that girl - nishimura Riki Where stories live. Discover now