Chapter 7

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The following week was frustrating to say the least. I didn't know what I was expecting, but I didn't think Kendall would completely brush off what had happened at the barbeque. Don't get me wrong, I wasn't overly optimistic that we were suddenly on the best terms and that she would take interest in my life. That was just unreasonable expectations. Instead, she completely ignored me. No eye rolls whenever she saw Nick and I together, no snide remarks when I dropped a piece of equipment at practice. She didn't even laugh when I tripped hoping off the water cart and faceplanted on the concrete.

For some reason it bothered me more that she was ignoring me rather than bullying me.

Reagan had spent the entire week hyping up the college party where I would meet her boyfriend. I was still skeptical that he was just trying to take advantage of her. No college guy ever dated a high school girl unless they were dating before he graduated, or they want so take advantage. It left a bad taste in my mouth.

Nick and I arrived at the address Reagan had sent us. The house couldn't have been more obvious. I pitied the neighbors. Music was blaring loud enough we could hear the beat as we turned onto the street the house was on. Flashing lights spilled through the windows, creating a light display on the front lawn. Christmas lights lined the house giving it that classic college budget party look. I watched as a couple of college guys with muscle shirts lugged two keg tins into the house.

Nick parked his truck behind a black mustang on the street. I noticed Reagan's orange mini cooper a few cars down from where we were parked. As I exited the car, movement in the mustang caught my attention. Zach and Kendall exited the car, and I instantly looked at Nick in confusion.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to invite them, but Kendall heard me talk about it and insisted on coming. I should have told you sooner." He apologized, hanging his head.

"Yeah, there was no way I'm letting you get my cousin drunk to take advantage of him." She smirked.

It was the first thing she had said to me since the barbeque. I wanted to smile, but I knew the only reason she was here was to protect her cousin.

"I'm pretty sure she just wants an excuse to get drunk," Nick laughed.

Kendall was already out of earshot, dragging Zach into the house by the hem of his jacket. I took a deep breath. Being drunk around Reagan and Nick was one thing, but the last thing I needed was to be drunk around Kendall. Knowing me, I would say or do something stupid, and she would hold it against me for the rest of my life. I made a mental note to try and avoid her at all costs tonight.

I reached for Nick's hand, needing his reassurance before we followed them in. Once we got to the front door a large, ripped frat boy stopped us.

"$5 cover guys." He said with a deep voice.

"It's ok, Matt," Reagan's voice came from behind the large man.

He stepped aside, revealing her standing in the doorway.

"They are with me," she smiled up at him.

Matt stepped aside allowing Nick and I to enter for free. I avoided eye contact with him as I walked past.

"Thanks for getting us in for free," Nick smiled his thanks.

"Well duh! What's the fun of dating a member if I can't get me and my friends into parties for free?" She beamed.

"I didn't know you had to pay to get into frat parties." I admitted.

"Not always, but a lot of them do to help pay for booze and any damage that happens during the parties. Plus, it helps them pay rent," Reagan explained, "anyway, let's get you guys some drinks."

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