Chapter 24

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I had an uneasy feeling in the pit of my stomach when I woke up. I was still at Kendall's apartment. She was still sleeping soundly next to me. I checked my phone for the time. I needed to leave soon if I was going to pick up my brother and get us both to school on time. I looked down at Kendall's sleeping figure. I had no idea what she was like when woken up, but I knew I needed to tell her I was leaving and offer her a ride.

I reached my hand over and hovered over her shoulder. I hesitated before committing to touching her and gently shaking her awake, "Kendall, wake up," I whispered.

She shifted, groaning a bit, "Ronnie?" she said with a sleep filled voice. It was absolutely adorable.

"I have to get going. Are you going to school today?" I asked.

She sat up slightly, rubbing her eyes. She looked at me with soft features. After a moment she must have remembered she was mad at me and her face hardened, "No I still don't feel well."

She looked away before laying down and rolling on her side, her back facing me.

"Ok, I'll text you later?" I offered, hoping she wasn't as upset as she seemed.

"sure." Was all she said.

I swallowed before grabbing my things and making a hasty exit. I didn't bother changing my clothes, after all, they were mine. It was freezing outside, winter was right around the corner. Once I got to my car I started it up and blasted the heat. It took me about thirty minutes to get to my house. I hadn't anticipated so much morning traffic.

I pulled into my driveway to find Vaughn shivering by the front door, backpack and gym bag in hand. As soon as he saw my car he jogged over and immediately got in.

"Took you long enough." He grunted as he hoisted himself into the passenger seat.

"sorry traffic." I said as I started to open the car door.

"Woah, where are you going?" he asked.

"I need to go change and fix my hair." I said a bit irritated.

"Uh, we don't have time for all that, you should have gotten here sooner. were probably already going to be late as is." He said, matching my annoyed tone.

He wasn't wrong. We were cutting it close, at this rate we would be lucky if we made it to first period.

"Fine." I sighed, shutting the door and putting the car in reverse.

"Thank you," he huffed.

While my clothes weren't too different from what I would normally wear, there were not equipped for the cold October weather. I had a jacket at least, but I didn't have a pair of pants with me. I realized that I had left my pants from the previous day at Kendall's. In addition to having undesirable clothes, my hair was definitely a mess. I prayed that Reagan would have a brush I could borrow. And possibly some spare sweatpants.

"Alright. What is it?" He finally spoke.

I looked at him, raising my eyebrow, "What is what?"

He rolled his eyes, "You literally haven't stopped bouncing your leg for the last two days. You're practically shaking the entire car."

"I have not!" I protested.

He gave me a blank stare, raising one eyebrow, "You're really going to try and deny it? Just tell me. Did your boyfriend do something?"

I let out a deep sigh. I wanted to let him in. I could just tell him about my fight with Kendall. But that wasn't the only reason my leg hasn't stopped bouncing. I sighed, not ready to talk about any of it.

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