Chapter 38

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Winter break flew by way faster than I wanted. Kendall and I spent basically every minute together after Christmas. We split our time pretty evenly between my house and hers. When we were at her apartment we were normally alone since Quinn worked during the day. The only time we weren't together was when she was at work. I would spend that time with Celeste at her dorm at the community college close to Kendall's work. I ended up taking Kendall to work a couple times and the other times Zach took her. She had tried to tell him not to worry about it, but he was becoming much more involved ever since their debacle before break.

I hated having to share her and I hated when she was alone with him. But I knew she could handle herself around him and I knew she loved me. Ever since my run in with Reagan I had been feeling slightly insecure whenever they hung out. Even though I knew there was nothing to worry about, Reagan had planted that tiny sliver of doubt.

In the month after break ended Nick and I fell into a good friendship. The awkwardness eventually dissipated, and we had become accustomed to being able to casually hold hands or hug in public, the way we did when we were actually dating. He walked me to our shared class and after, we'd walk hand in hand to lunch.

"Did you see they announced they are working on Elder scrolls 6 yesterday?" Nick asked as we walked toward the Cafeteria.

Most of our conversations where video game related. Not very different from when we were dating.

"Yeah, I'm so excited. But I feel like it's going to be a while before it's released." I said.

"Well yeah, It is Bethesda." He laughed, "They will have rereleased Skyrim five more times and be on fallout 98 before they get to elderscrolls 6."

"That's true," I agreed, "They are really proud of Skyrim, I mean, they've remastered it three times at this point."

We both laughed, but it was interrupted by shouting from the cafeteria. We shared a confused look before jogging toward the commotion.

A small crowd had gathered in the commons. There was whispering and murmurs all around as the voices yelled from the middle.

"Just drop it! You don't know what you're talking about!" I heard her voice, and my stomach sank.

"Stop fucking lying to me!" Zach's voice rang through the room.

Nick and I shoved our way through the mob. Once we fell into the middle of the crowd we could see Kendall and Zach practically at each other's throats. Although, unlike their normal fights, Kendall looked genuinely terrified, and Zach was foaming at the mouth. They were standing only a few feet apart.

"I'm not lying!" She spat back.

Zach opened his mouth to speak but his eye caught mine and his demeanor shifted from angry to furious. He took a step towards me, causing Kendall to realize Nick and I had appeared. She immediately started shaking her head and I noticed she was crying.

"Leave her out of this, Zach. It's between you and me!" She pleaded.

Zach took another step towards me, "You," He breathed, ignoring Kendall.

Another step and Nick centered himself between us, "What is going on?"

Zach started laughing, lightly at first, but it soon grew into a loud maniacal laugh, "Didn't you hear? Our girlfriends are dykes! They've been screwing around behind our backs this whole time!"

My blood ran cold. A million thoughts swarmed my head like mosquitoes buzzing in my ear. Do I deny it? Did Kendall deny it? Clearly if she did Zach didn't buy it. The whole school had to have gathered around this altercation by now. Which meant the whole school knew Kendall and I were gay.

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